Olsen didn’t have a book-length work published until 1961 when Tell Me a Riddle appeared. A collection of four short stories, it opened with “I Stand Here Ironing,” a first-person narrative describing the frustration of motherhood, isolation, and poverty....
Illness and Poverty in the Immigrant Family: A Tillie Olsen StoryWritersShort storiesHardshipHealth servicesPovertyUniversity of Arizona College of Medicine, Tucson, Arizona, USA. mathiase@email.arizona.edudoi:10.1016/j.amjmed.2009.02.016Helle
Tillie Olsen was an American writer and social activist known for her powerful fiction about the inner lives of the working poor, women, and minorities. Her interest in long-neglected women authors inspired the development of academic programs in women’
Also known as: Tillie Lerner, Tillie Lerner Goldfarb Olsen Written by Panthea Reid Panthea Reid is Professor of English Emerita at LSU. She holds a Ph.D from the University of North Carolina (1971). She received a fellowship in 2000 from the National Endowment for the Humanities to edit....