I do not want to make you sad.I loved you hopelessly and mutely,Now with shyness, now with jealousy being vexed;I loved you so sincerely, so fondly,Likewise may someone love you next.The original Pushkin's poem:Яваслюбил: любовьеще, бытьможет,Вду...
Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin Rate: (1) Poem topics: I love you, dark, despair, magic, remember, retirement, time, world, pray, hear, storm, divine, live, anguish, beautiful, love, long, moment, vision, I miss you, Print This Poem , Rhyme Scheme...
I loved you so sincerely, so fondly, Likewise may someone love you next. The original Pushkin's poem: Яваслюбил: любовьеще, бытьможет, Вдушемоейугасланесовсем; Нопустьонавасбольшенетревожит...