Hyacinth bulbs that have finished flowering indoors can be transplanted into the garden. After flowering, they need time to gather energy for next year’s blooms, so they should not be placed directly into storage. After their foliage dies back outdoors, hyacinth bulbs can be brought indoors and...
While tulips, daffodils and flowering trees are the showiest plants and always take center stage, it's up to hyacinths to deliver the fabulous fragrance that makes the experience so memorable. Without question, hyacinths are the most fragrant flowers of spring. Yet few gardeners plant them. Th...
Plant in the ground in the fall for spring flowering. Wait until after the first fall frost, but before the ground is too hard to work. If you’re growing hyacinths in pots, you can plant from fall to mid-winter if they can be kept in a cold frame or a cool, covered location. T...
“Several years are required for the bulbels to mature into flowering bulbs. Some of the strongest ones may produce flowering bulbs in three years, but some of them, especially those obtained from the hollowed bulbs, will not mature short of six years.” Could you do this at home? Of cou...
The hyacinth (Hyacinthus orientalis) is a spring flower grown from bulbs that keep on giving. Storing hyacinth bulbs properly after flowering allows for another year of fragrant blooms. Grown most successfully in USDA plant hardiness zones 4 to 8, these hardy perennials are native to Euras...
Naturally spring-flowering, grape hyacinths are easy to force into bloom mid-winter. The process is called forcingbecause the bulbs are tricked into behaving as if they've gone through a cold winter, then brought into warmth and sunshineas if it's spring. Flowers last about a month when fo...