Hyacinth bulbs that have finished flowering indoors can be transplanted into the garden. After flowering, they need time to gather energy for next year’s blooms, so they should not be placed directly into storage. After their foliage dies back outdoors, hyacinth bulbs can be brought indoors and...
In general, Hyacinth orientalis yields large, thick and rigid, upright flowering spikes. The larger the bulb, the larger and heavier the flowering spike which may topple over, particularly after heavy spring rains or a heat spell. It is easy enough to prevent them from topping over: just slip...
Financial Encyclopedia Wikipedia n. A twining vine(Lablab purpureus)in the pea family native to tropical Africa and Asia, grown for forage and for its pods and seeds, which are edible after boiling. Also calledlablab bean. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition....
After they bloom in the spring, allow the plants to grow until the leaves die off. They need time after blooming to store energy in the bulbs for next year. To remove the dead plant, either snip them off at the base or twist the leaves while pulling lightly. Now, the bulbs will slee...
Plant in the ground in the fall for spring flowering. Wait until after the first fall frost, but before the ground is too hard to work. If you’re growing hyacinths in pots, you can plant from fall to mid-winter if they can be kept in a cold frame or a cool, covered location. ...
Hyacinth bulbs that have finished flowering indoors can be transplanted into the garden. After flowering, they need time to gather energy for next year’s blooms, so they should not be placed directly into storage. After their foliage dies back outdoors, hyacinth bulbs can be brought indoors and...