Hyacinth bulbs that have finished flowering indoors can be transplanted into the garden. After flowering, they need time to gather energy for next year’s blooms, so they should not be placed directly into storage. After their foliage dies back outdoors, hyacinth bulbs can be brought indoors and...
“Several years are required for the bulbels to mature into flowering bulbs. Some of the strongest ones may produce flowering bulbs in three years, but some of them, especially those obtained from the hollowed bulbs, will not mature short of six years.” Could you do this at home? Of cou...
Avoid removing foliage until it has wilted and started turning yellow, about ten weeks after the bloom is done. Bulbs will need the die-back process to be completed to absorb as much nutrients as possible for growing new plants next time. Bulblets are produced by the bulbs through the seaso...
After they bloom in the spring, allow the plants to grow until the leaves die off. They need time after blooming to store energy in the bulbs for next year. To remove the dead plant, either snip them off at the base or twist the leaves while pulling lightly. Now, the bulbs will slee...
Hyacinth bulbs that have finished flowering indoors can be transplanted into the garden. After flowering, they need time to gather energy for next year’s blooms, so they should not be placed directly into storage. After their foliage dies back outdoors, hyacinth bulbs can be brought indoors and...