16.hair cell system( 毛发细胞系) (human skeletal muscle cells) 人骨骼肌细胞 ... china.npicp.com|基于24个网页 2. 人骨骼肌细胞-成人 细胞_细胞分选... ... 人骨骼肌细胞-胎儿 Human Skeletal Muscle Cells 人骨骼肌细胞-成人 Human Skeletal Muscle Cells ... www.biogo.net|基于1 个网页 3. ...
上海玉博生物科技有限公司 主要致力于“HUMAN SKELETAL MUSCLE CELLS Invitrogen-A11440”的生产销售。多年的“HUMAN SKELETAL MUSCLE CELLS Invitrogen-A11440”生产与销售的经验,与各行业新老用户建立了稳定的合作关系,我公司经营的产品名称深受广大用户信赖。欢迎来电
Humans, like all other living organisms, are dynamic, and therefore a comprehensive understanding of different cells in their various dynamic states is required to provide a reference map for the early diagnosis and various preventive approach to disease, and in the development of precision ...
Skeletal muscle contains both differentiated myofibers and stem cells, known as satellite cells. The satellite cells, comprising around 1% of the total muscle nuclei, are situated between the plasma membrane of the multinucleated muscle cells and the basal lamina that surrounds each myofiber. In adul...
Skeletal muscle aging is a key contributor to age-related frailty and sarcopenia with substantial implications for global health. Here we profiled 90,902 single cells and 92,259 single nuclei from 17 donors to map the aging process in the adult human int
产品名称: Human-Normal-Skeletal-Muscle-Cells 产品型号: 产品展商: ABM产品文档: 无相关文档 简单介绍 Human-Normal-Skeletal-Muscle-CellsHuman-Normal-Skeletal-Muscle-Cells 的详细介绍 Print Version Procedure Overview BioSafety Level II Organism Homo sapiens Source Organ Skeletal Muscle (quadriceps or psoas...
ScienCell 3500 Human Skeletal Muscle Cells KIT 公司概况 ScienCell研究实验室(ScienCell)是一家生物技术公司,主要提供实验和治疗使用细胞和细胞相关产品,多种高品质正常的人类和动物细胞,细胞培养基和试剂,培养基补充,细胞来源的RNA,基因和蛋白质等。总部设在加利福尼亚州圣迭戈,成立于1999年。 特色产品 Primary Ce...
Skeletal muscle is a heterogeneous tissue comprised of muscle fiber and mononuclear cell types that, in addition to movement, influences immunity, metabolism and cognition. We investigated the gene expression patterns of skeletal muscle cells using RNA-seq of subtype-pooled single human muscle fibers ...
Cell TypeSkeletal Muscle Cells Culture TypeAdherent Cell Culture FormCryopreserved GenderMixed Gender SpeciesHuman Donor AttributesNormal Donor SourceSingle Donor FormatVial No. of Cells5 x 10^6 Product LineGibco™ Product TypeHuman Skeletal Myoblast Quantity5 vials x 106 cells Tested ForMycoplasma, Ba...
规格: 1 vial 数量:-+ 产品描述/Products Description Human skeletal muscle progenitor cells are derived from whole muscle that has been dissociated into single cells, cultured and purified using differential adhesion. Human skeletal muscle progenitor cells are from a single donor. These cells enable re...