Thinking the unthinkable: how did human germline genome editing become ethically acceptable?genome editinggene therapyIVFethicseugenicsTwo major reports in the UK and USA have recently sanctioned as ethically acceptable genome editing of future generations for the treatment of serious rare inherited ...
A. Lea, R., K. Niakan, K. Human germline genome editing.Nat Cell Biol21, 1479–1489 (2019). Download citation Received03 April 2019 Accepted25 October 2019 Published02 December 2019 Issue DateDecember 2019 ...
Regarding human genome editing research on germ cells, fertilized eggs, or embryos, it is strictly prohibited to use edited germ cells, fertilized eggs, or embryos for pregnancy and reproduction, the guidelines stated. "Currently, any clinical research involving germline genome editing is irresponsible...
In an interim recommendation to the WHO director general, the committee stated that "it would be irresponsible at this time for anyone to proceed with clinical applications of human germline genome editing." Human germline engineering is the process by which the genome (genetic material) of an in...
Debra Mathews:Germline editing will be done somewhere around the world George Church:We need a moratorium now to evaluate benefits, risks Josephine Johnston:Embrace uncertainty Steven Pinker:A droplet in the maelstrom of churning genomes Eleonore Pauwels:Don’t let the story get ahead of the facts...
For example, in February 2017, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Medicinepublished a reportendorsing germline modification. It states unequivocally that "clinical trials using heritable germline genome editing should be permitted" provided the research is only for compelling...
There will be alarm in some circles at the very mention of germline gene therapy, although perhaps not from the very few people who might be contemplating such treatment for the sake of their future children. The authors of the report, who are among the mostly highly respected experts in the...
The debate on human germline editing, she says, needs to engage people outside the scientific community, including politicians, religious groups and human-rights organizations, among others. The science academies' panel should be one among many forums for public discussion on the issue, Darnovsky ...
Human genome editing for both research and therapy is progressing, raising ethical questions among scientists around the world. On the one hand, technical advances could enable doctors to modify germline genes - those contained in sperm and eggs - to prevent offspring from developing devastating genet...
The technique can also be used to modify the human germline. Unresolved questions about pre-implantation human development could be addressed by basic research using CRISPR–Cas9. In this Perspective, we discuss advances in human genome editing and consider ethical questions and potential clinical ...