Yonghyun Park has successfully defended his PhD thesis, entitled "Human-centered Control Framework for Dual-arm Agricultural Robot". Congratulations Yonghyun! December 7, 2024 Celebrating the HRA Lab's 10th Anniversity! The HRA Lab., Human-centered Robotics and Automation Laboratory is celebrating a...
异军突起的不仅仅李飞飞的human-centered AI, 这之前风生水起也有 Human-Centered Robotics(HCR) HCR: 以人为中心的机器人学 HCR实验室:华盛顿大学 HCR实验室 HCR LabHCR实验室:德克萨斯大学HCR实验室 The H…
doi:10.15289/BH.V5I1.124Simon HaddadinSami Haddadin
and reporting all failures and near misses are key pillars of safety culture. Another is adherence to voluntary industry standards and guidelines promoted by professional groups such as the Robotics Industry Association, Underwriters Laboratory, the International Standards Organization, and IEEE, the larges...
【Robotics Research Today-190614】Human-in-the-loop 研究:Human-in-the-Loop Automation研究 人在学习循环中的研究,可以借助人的智能提高机器人的智能水平,减少机器学习中的费时费力的标注。 关键词:interactive robo… 阅读全文 Human-Centered Robotics(HCR) ...
Combining ethnographic and technical design research methods, it contributes a path towards the human-centered development of construction robotics technologies. Since the 1980s, researchers have envisioned robots performing skilled construction tasks such as bricklaying, painting, spray-coating, or site ...
If you’re not familiar with Human-Centered Change & Innovation, we publish 1-6 new articles every week focused on human-centered change, innovation, transformation and design insights from our roster of contributing authors and ad hoc submissions from community members. Get the articles right in...
Many challenges in robotics hinder the embodiment of wearable robots. Poor intelligence and functionality are common factors in device rejection by users7. Human-robot interaction requires perceiving the environment information as well as human physical and physiological information. This is while existing...
In the future, robots could play a key role in healthcare settings, easing the lives of the elderly and assisting vulnerable individuals. Researchers at Imperial College London have recently created Robot DE NIRO, a robotics ...
robots may soon be able to experience similar functionality. Luis Sentis, associate professor in the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, and his team in the Human Centered Robotics Laboratory have successfully demonstrated a novel approach to human-like balance...