在前面章节中已经知道如何从Hugging Face Hub上下载和缓存数据集(使用load_dataset直接指定Hub上已有的数据集名称)。但是我们经常会遇到需要加载本地和远程服务器上数据的情况,本节就是介绍如何使用Hugging Face的Datasets库来完成那些Hub没有的数据集加载方法。
这是Hugging Face的数据集库,一个快速高效的库,可以轻松共享和加载数据集和评估指标。 所以,若你们在自然语言处理(NLP)领域工作,并且想要为你们的下一个项目提供数据,那么Hugging Face是一个很好的选择。 动机:Hugging Face提供的数据集格式不同于我们的pandas数据框架,因此最初使用Hugging Face数据集可能会让人望而...
如果你想看代码,请参考这个链接到我的Github : https://github.com/chetnakhanna16/huggingface_datasets/blob/main/HuggingFace_Datatsets_Library_TDS.ipynb 作者:Chetna Khanna 原文地址:https://towardsdatascience.com/use-the-datasets-library-of-hugging-face-in-your-next-nlp-project-94e300cca850 deephub翻...
Models.Hugging Face hosts a large library of models that users can filter by type. As of this writing, there are more than 300,000 models on Hugging Face. Hugging Face also hosts some of the top open source ML models on the platform. Some of the models on the leaderboard at the time ...
根据Hugging Face 网站,Datasets 库目前拥有 100 多个公共数据集。 😳 数据集不仅有英语,还有其他语言和方言。 👌 它支持大多数这些数据集的数据加载器,并且只需一行代码就可以实现,这使得加载数据成为一项轻松的任务。 🏄🏻 根据网站上提供的信息,除了可以轻松访问数据集之外,该库还有以下有趣的功能: ...
根据Hugging Face 网站,Datasets 库目前拥有 100 多个公共数据集。 数据集不仅有英语,还有其他语言和方言。 它支持大多数这些数据集的数据加载器,并且只需一行代码就可以实现,这使得加载数据成为一项轻松的任务。 根据网站上提供的信息,除了可以轻松访问数据集之外,该库还有以下有趣的功能: ...
import datatsets dataset = datasets.load_dataset("ami-iit/dataset_name", split="train", streaming=True, use_auth_token=True) ``` It is important to log in to the Hugging Face Hub before loading the dataset, use `huggingface-cli login` to log in. The `use_auth_token=True` argument ...
It hosts thousands of open source ML models, data sets and demos. This means you can see and use the code behind the models, unlike Google's Bard and OpenAI's ChatGPT, which are closed sourced. Developers can use Hugging Face to create and post the code for their own AI models, so ...
Automatically send and retrieve data from Hugging Face Learn how Hugging Face is especially important because of the "we have no moat" vibe of AI. No big tech company will solve AI; it will be solved by open source collaboration. And that's what Hugging Face sets out to do: provide the...
Datasets:Having a high-quality dataset is an essential part of training an effective model. Hugging Face allows members to share and download data sets for anyone to improve and use in projects. Education:Hugging Face provides members with all the essential tools and assets to train and use mod...