Merge the above channels into the same field of view to produce a merged image. Scale, 10 μm. b Since the expression of P115 remained unchanged after infection with HSV-1 in BV2 cells, further fluorescence labeling of P115 is performed to observe the structural changes of GA. Re-...
Myeloid cell infiltration in C3 KO mice increases above WT mice in response to HSV-1 infection Components of the CS are potent chemoattractants for granulocytes and monocyte/macrophage populations45. As chemokines associated with recruitment of these cells including CXCL1 and CCL2 were also found to...
Density and control Reproduction curve 劉耀仁. Density :濃度、密度 ► 1 號區是 High-Density 區、 2 號是 Middle-density 區、 3 號區是 Low- Density 區。 ► 計算反射率( R )或透射率( T ) 1 第七章 植基於可調整式量化表及離散餘 弦轉換之浮水印技術. 2 Outlines 介紹 介紹 灰階浮水印藏...
As mentioned above, the targets and components related to caspase-1–dependent pyroptosis are screened. We also preliminary verify the interactive activities of JZ-1 components with the key enzymes caspase-1 and IL-1β by molecular docking analysis. Then, the binding potency between these components...
The tenofovir/LNG intravaginal ring under development in collaboration with the University of Utah builds on both the millidose tenofovir vaginal ring described above and WHO’s work on the microdose LNG ring. One of the major challenges to developing a combination ring for these two particular dru...
After which serum was added to the media (lanes 2 -- 9) or the cells remained in serum free medium (lane 1) and cul- tured for an additional 15 min. (b) Graphed are the western image intensities of phosphorylated ERK 1 and 2 (pERK-1, pERK-2) normal- ized to GPADH and ...
Here we use JEG-3 cells line as they exhibit feature of primary trophoblasts mentioned above, such as i) spontaneous syncytium formation, indicating that the tumour cell line also contains progenitors for syncytization (Meinhardt et al.,2020; Msheik et al., 2019); ii) synthesize of ...
In case of high Tvis levels (25% above the upper threshold level) the dose of immunosuppressive drugs (CsA and everolimus) will be increased 10 to 15%; in case of low Tvis levels (25% below the lower threshold level) the dose of immunosuppressive drugs (CsA and everolimus) will be ...
Only nodes with bootstrap support above 70% are shown. Abbreviation (common name), virus name, protein accession number, RING domain region: HHV1 (HSV-1), Human α-HV 1, YP_009137074.1, 113:167; PanHV3, Chimpanzee herpesvirus strain 105640, YP_009010986.1, 121:175; HHV2 (HSV-2), ...
(H), saturation (S) range (from 0, white, to 1), and brightness (V) range (from 0, black, to 1) were measured, as illustrated here by red pearl samples, with HSV values shown in brackets. Red and green pearl samples are illustrated above the conical representation of the HSV ...