四川奥伦济律师事务所位于四川成都,英文名SICHUAN ORIGIN LAW FIRM,位于四川成都,是公司化运营的合伙制律所,律所的合伙人分别毕业于西南财经大学、陕西师范大学等多所知名高校,均有丰富执业经验,深谙法律之道。作为一家综合性律师事务所,本所以著名专家、学者、国内外著名大学毕业的博士、硕士并具有多年丰富执业经验的资...
You may % % obtain a copy of the License at % % % % https://imagemagick.org/script/license.php % % % % Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software % % distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, % % WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDIT...
上海金显律师事务所(Shanghai Jin Xian Law Firm)是一家立足于上海,辐射长三角的专业特色律师事务所,是经上海市司法局批准,依照《中华人民共和国律师法》于2016年设立的专业律师事务所,同时也是沪上最具发展潜力和前景的律师事务所之一,践行心怀民众,服务至上的精品所,创始人余学金律师。
and the Middle East. We are a global law firm which provides an one-stop legal services covering laws in China, the UK, the US, Australia, Germany, Italy, Japanese etc. The firm incorporates a large legal talent pool equipped with local in-depth and professional legal experiences and provid...
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联系方式 有意者请将个人简历邮件发送至wuhan@zhongwenlaw.com; 邮件主题及简历请命直聘名为:岗位名称+姓名;简历请附照片。 职位详情 武汉 不限 本科 诉讼/非诉讼 非诉讼律师助理 诉讼业务律师助理 公检法工作经验 通过法律职业资格考试 英语可做工作语言
, family status, veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. We will also consider employment qualified applicants with criminal records in accordance with applicable law. EA also makes workplace accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities as required by applicable law....
and mature. • Sufficient and appropriate law education and qualification. PR China bar admission is requisite. • At least three (3) years legal and compliance practice experience in either a decent law firm (international or Chinese local) and/or MNC in-house legal department. • Strong...
Law, Data Security Law and Personal Information Protection Law, and otherkey privacy regulations, such as GDPR, CCPA, CPRA, LGPD ● Privacy gap assessments and privacy maturity assessments ● Privacy impact assessment (PIA/DPIA) ● Development of privacy policies and processesBOSS直聘, such as, ...
EA also makes workplace accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities as required by applicable law.技能解析 专有技能 用户研究 财务分析 数据分析等 和数据分析 数据分析 项目管理 团队合作 高效合作 项目进度 数据来自CSL职业科学研究室 技能解析 暂无识别出相关技能要求...