Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detected HPV DNA in anal specimens collected using dacron swabs placed in transport media in 93% of HIV-positive (H-Pos) and 61% of HIV-negative (H-Neg) men. The detected HPV genotype spectrum was similar in both groups, with HPV-16, an oncogenic genotype...
2)pcr的效果与实验样品dna的质量息息相关,一些样本如石蜡提取样本的dna质量往往较差。此时,扩增短片段的spf1/2就具有比扩增较长片段的gp5+/6+及my11/09具有更大优势46。3)spf1/2 23、是混合引物,比gp5+/6+及my11/09与扩增模板的匹配性更好,错配更少。并且,spf1/2引物的3端与大多数型别hpv都高度匹配...
Methods A total of 82 positive samples and 10 negative samples were collected that had been detected with Liferiver kits in recent 2 months and the results of HPV typing tests were compared for the agreements with the kits purchased from other two companies of Kaipu and Amply. Results The ...
Then, the beads were cleaned with high/low salt solutions, the chromatin was eluted, and cross-linking was reversed. DNA was purified using spin columns and subjected to qRT-PCR. The primers used for ChIP-qPCR are listed in Table S2....
we uncover diversity with respect to HNSCC subtypes and other cellular states such as the cell cycle, senescence and epithelial-mesenchymal transitions. Third, we find heterogeneity in viral gene expression within HPV-positive tumors. HPV expression is lost or repressed in a subset of cells, which...
2)PCR的效果与实验样品DNA的质量息息相关,一些样本如石蜡提取样本的DNA质量往往较差。此时,扩增短片段的SPF1/2就具有比扩增较长片段的GP 23、5+/6+及MY11/09具有更大优势46。3)SPF1/2是混合引物,比GP5+/6+及MY11/09与扩增模板的匹配性更好,错配更少。并且,SPF1/2引物的3端与大多数型别HPV都高度...
HPV positive tumor growth associated with E2/E4/E5 expression is inhibited by FGFR inhibitor AZD4547 alone and in combination with mTOR inhibitor rapamycin Fig. 6: Tumor growth associated with HPV16 E2/E4/E5 expression is inhibited by FGFR inhibitor AZD4547 alone and in combination with mTOR in...
In addition, this study validated the specificity of the H-MRC12a method using four different types of HPV-negative samples (containing blood, yellow turbidity, and clear cervical fluid) and six single or double-positive samples of other high/low-risk HPV types. The fluorescence curves and CT ...
国外有研究采用荧光定量PCR技术测定每纳克细胞DNA基准下的HPV病毒载量,分析非HPV 16、18型的病毒载量与子宫颈病变的关系,结果表明,CINⅡ、Ⅲ累积发生风险的增高与HPV 31、35、58型及HPV 52型的病毒载量升高显著相关[12],而与其他非HPV 16型的病毒载...