1 How to make the code simple in kotlin? 3 Use of mathematical operator at start of line 0 How to simplify this in Kotlin 0 How can I write this funtion in kotlin being a java developer but switching to kotlin 0 Calculation issue in Kotlin 0 How to simplify when in kotlin? 0...
that article contains much theoretical discussion which I don’t intend to repeat here. Therefore, even if you aren’t going to write Java code, I still recommend that you read the previous article before proceeding with this one.
The example writes to a file with KotlinFiles.writeextension function. Files.write(myfile.toPath(), content.toByteArray(), StandardOpenOption.APPEND) The first parameter of theFiles.writeis thePathto the file, the second is the byte array to write, and the third parameter are the options ...
I search on Google but cannot find any example how to write the String to Java file (let say UnitTest.java). Please help, my time is running out. Edit: I'm facing NO error. Just don't know how to write String to Java file. Please don't ask for log, or debug ...
CameraX aims to demonstrate how to use CameraX APIs written in Kotlin. Overview CameraX is a Jet-pack support library, built to help you make camera app development easier. It provides a consistent and easy-to-use API surface that works across most Android devices, with backward-compatibility ...
When I was starting to write Kotlin code, and one problem I faced was how the heck do I do static methods like I can add in Java? The solution… The companion object in your Kotlin class. class MyClass() { companion object {
Thefill()function will initialize the array in Kotlin with the given value. However, this requires declaring variables to hold the values for size and items to later initialize the array. Output: We need to convert the range to a list with thetoList()function and add the individual values ...
Use when in Kotlin Without ArgumentsWe can also use the when expression without giving any arguments. It means that we can use the expression and then start writing the code block to execute. We can write conditional statements in the block. When a condition becomes true, the adjacent ...
() val requestBody: String = objectMapper .writeValueAsString(values) val client = HttpClient.newBuilder().build(); val request = HttpRequest.newBuilder() .uri(URI.create("https://httpbin.org/post")) .POST(HttpRequest.BodyPublishers.ofString(requestBody)) .build() val response = client....
We're not going to write any tests for this application, so clean up all testImplementation dependencies from the dependencies section. Your build.gradle.kts should look like this: val ktor_version: String by project val kotlin_version: String by project val logback_version: String by project...