ThewriteTextis a KotlinFileextension function which writes text encoded using UTF-8 or other charset to the file. If this file exists, it becomes overwritten. writefile3.kt package com.zetcode import fun main() { val fileName = "src/resources/myfile3.txt" val myfile = Fil...
The example writes data from an array to theitems.csvfile. The file is written into the project root directory. ThewriteNextmethod writes an array of elements to the file. Read/Write CSV with kotlin-csv In the next example, we use thekotlin-csvlibrary to read CSV data. com/zetcode/rea...
I would like to know if it will be possible to use the power of jmh for use by analogy with unit tests, just like that part of the project that runs as a build task. I use gradle for my kotlin projects. I expect to call benchmarks with a command like gradle ...
When kotlin is enabled instead, if you do not have duplicates, multiple files are created, one for each message. FooKt.kt(empty) RespKt.ktcontaining aRespKtobject with Dsl for kotlin But I do not really "care" about these internals, I just wanted it to build the 2 proto with kotlin D...
Run testSftpIntegrationFlowsTestto produce the issue. spring-boot kotlin Works to me (make sure the path of target file to upload is correct): publicstatic DefaultSftpSessionFactory sftpSessionFactory() { DefaultSftpSessionFactory sessionFactory = new DefaultSftpSessionFactory(); ...
Until now, I simply translated to Kotlin the same approaches you’d use in Java. However, if you use Kotlin, then you can also leverage the full power of Coroutines framework which allows you to replace thread blocking with coroutine suspension. ...
Alternatively, a context manager can be employed for writing an array to a text file. Unlikeopen()andclose(), the context manager automatically manages file opening and closing. It is employed with thewithstatement and ensures that setup and teardown actions are performed around a block of code...
To write bytes at a specific position, we can use theseek()function that specifies the file pointer’s position to read and write data. For example: data=b"\xC3\xA9"withopen("test.bin","wb") We can create a byte array using thebytearray()function. It...
My current favorite language is Kotlin. I'd like to learn more Go. I regularly use Java, Scala and Groovy. I learn new things all the time. Mostly how little I know. I would be a terrible manager and have no desire to take my career in that direction. A lot also depends on your...
An library written in Kotlin which is used to read and write to all cache types of RuneScape. A RuneScape cache is built off from a 2-level container structure and in each level 1 container is the actual data of the game stored. I have named the level 0 container "Index" and the lev...