In the main menu, go toTools | Kotlin | Kotlin REPL (Experimental). When you enter one or more lines of code and pressCtrlEnter, the result gets printed in console and assigned to a temporary variable. valpower=10.0Math.pow(2.0,power)res0:kotlin.Double=1024.0 ...
In Jupyter Console: jupyter console --kernel=kotlin Create a new notebook and setkotlinas kernel. This step applies to Jupyter Notebook or JupyterLab, and it's not required for Jupyter Console. The default kernel uses the JDK that the environment points in theKOTLIN_JUPYTER_JAVA_HOMEvariable...
and n (7) to find the 7th term of the arithmetic sequence. We then call the "findNthTermArithmetic()" function with these values and store the result in the nthTerm variable. Finally, we print the result to the console.
" as an argument. The function prints the message to the console. Since the "printMessage()" function does not return any value (unit-returning function), its return type is Unit, which is the default return type for functions that do not specify a return type explicitly. Kotlin Editor: ...
intValue ()I L22 INVOKESTATIC kotlin/io/ConsoleKt.println (I)V ACONST_NULL CHECKCAST java/lang/String INVOKESTATIC com/easy/kotlin/NullCheckKt.testNullSafeOperator (Ljava/lang/String;)V LDC "12345678901" INVOKESTATIC com/easy/kotlin/NullCheckKt.testNullSafeOperator (Ljava/lang/String;)V LDC "...
However the second mutating function writes to the console, which may or may not be important to test depending on the context of the application. Conclusion While they are quite simple, the standard functions in Kotlin provide a powerful way to describe the intention of your code. They will...
“After coroutine” text to the console. To ensure that the coroutine has enough time to complete its execution, the main thread pauses using the Thread.sleep() function. The Thread.sleep() function suspends the main thread for the stated time in milliseconds. In this case, it pauses for ...
The example reads numbers from thenumbers.csvfile and prints them to the console. val fileName = "src/main/resources/numbers.csv" The file is located in thesrc/main/resourcesdirectory. val reader = CSVReader(fr) TheCSVReaderis a class used for reading CSV files. ...
consoleau/kassava - This library provides some useful kotlin extension functions for implementing toString() and equals() without all of the boilerplate. TicketmasterMobileStudio/actions-on-google-kotlin - Port of official Node.js SDK to Kotlin. Complete with all features and tests and nearly ident...
Kotlin 的封装终端IO 的类在 stdlib/src/kotlin/io/Console.kt 源文件中。 15.3 文件 IO 操作 Kotlin为提供了大量好用的扩展函数,这些扩展函数主要在下面三个源文件中: kotlin/io/files/FileTreeWalk.kt kotlin/io/files/Utils.kt kotlin/io/FileReadWrite.kt ...