Principles of a good README There’s no shortage of projects to contribute to on GitHub, which means that it’s easy for potential contributors to overlook projects that aren’t yet very popular, even if they are great projects. This is a tough pill to swallow for many project maintainers...
README Unlicense license README 该文件用来测试和展示书写README的各种markdown语法。GitHub的markdown语法在标准的markdown语法基础上做了扩充,称之为GitHub Flavored Markdown。简称GFM,GFM在GitHub上有广泛应用,除了README文件外,issues和wiki均支持markdown语法。 Author果冻虾仁 E-mail 目录...
How to write a good abstract--A bit more detail (Nature guidelines) One or two sentences providing a basic introduction to the field, comprehensible to a scientist in any discipline. Two to three sentences of more detailed background, comprehensible to scientists in related disciplines. One sen...
Github的可配置个人主页的READEME这个特性和一般的个人主页相比可以容纳更多的内容,支持markdown意味着你可以做出更多直观富有表现力的内容(有人说GIF!?),README放置在固定仓库的上方,并且可以根据需要占据尽可能多的空间,因此它的曝光率明显更高。 一个可靠的README文件是文档完善软件的核心部件,通常通过与贡献者共享...
You may write your README in plain text, markdown, or any other text style that you choose. I prefer markdown, plain text, and HTML, in that order. I like markdown because it's easy to use, and you can make a nice-looking document with minimal coding weirdness and without a fancy...
However, the GitHub flow might differ from the practices to which your team is currently accustomed. It's a good idea to consider whether the team plans to adapt to GitHub, retain its given process, or meet somewhere in the middle before completing the migration....
Another best practice to help you write good Git commit messages is to use imperative verb form. Using imperative verb form ensures that potential verbs used in your commit messages, like “fixed” or “updated” are written in the correct tense to “fix” and “updated”. ...
Write your own GitHub Actions from scratch. You can make them open source, or even publish them to the GitHub Marketplace. Using open-source GitHub Actions Many GitHub Actions are open source and available for anyone who wants to use them. However, just like with any open-source software...
A GitHub profile README is a feature of GitHub that allows users to use a Markdown file named README to write details about themselves such as their skills, interests, GitHub stats and showcase it to the GitHub community. It’s shown at the top of your GitHub home page, above the pinn...
The Repository is created with a README file. Adding Collaborators to the GitHub Repository We would want the team to work on this repository. For this, we will have to invite the collaborators to work on the repository. To add collaborators, go to the main page of the Repository and clic...