Github的可配置个人主页的READEME这个特性和一般的个人主页相比可以容纳更多的内容,支持markdown意味着你可以做出更多直观富有表现力的内容(有人说GIF!?),README放置在固定仓库的上方,并且可以根据需要占据尽可能多的空间,因此它的曝光率明显更高。 一个可靠的README文件是文档完善软件的核心部件,通常通过与贡献者共享...
个人信息的README是通过新建一个新的和自己用户名一样名字的新仓库来创建的。例如,我的GitHub用户名是m0nica,因此我新建一个名字叫做m0nica的仓库。注意:在写作本文时,为了能使用个人主页的README的特性,字母大小写必须和你的GitHub用户名的大小写相对应。 如果你已经有一个以你的用户名/你的用户名命名的项目并且...
After entering the username, GitHub displays a message describing that you’re about to create a GitHub special repository. Check the Public checkbox under repository type to make the GitHub profile README visible to everyone who visits the GitHub profile page. If you don’t want users to ... server.php README GPL-2.0 license 注意:此套系統有點舊了。 我做了一套同樣功能、全新版本的系統。請參考: Notice: This is a legacy project. I made a new version project as an upgrade: / Latest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. History / 278 lines (216 loc) · 8.58 KB 本教程的目标 这是一本教你如何应用webpack到你的项目中的工具书。它包含了我们在Instagram中用到的绝大多数的内容。
For this guide, we will create a readme file for our repository locally and make a pull request on GitHub to illustrate the process. Follow the steps below: 1. In Git Bash, create an empty readme file: touch 2. Create and switch to a new branch on which to modify the ...
To get started with GitHub, we will perform the following steps. Create a Repository to organize projects. Create a Branch Make changes to the file and commit. Create a Pull Request to merge contents. Protect Branch In the second part of the series, we will also look at the other features... The landing page for the directory. This page is rendered when its directory is viewed on GitHub. The license that the code is provided under. Explains how users should contribute to the project, such as pull-request expectations. Explains...
Review the action'saction.ymlfile for inputs, outputs, and to make sure the code does what it says it does. Check if the action is in the GitHub Marketplace. This is a good check, even if an action doesn't have to be on the GitHub Marketplace to be valid. ...
This guide instructs you in fundamental GitHub concepts such as repositories, branches, commits, and pull requests, offering a comprehensive understanding of these essential elements. Programmers can pick source codes in many different languages and use Git, the command-line interface, to make and ...