README Unlicense license README 该文件用来测试和展示书写README的各种markdown语法。GitHub的markdown语法在标准的markdown语法基础上做了扩充,称之为GitHub Flavored Markdown。简称GFM,GFM在GitHub上有广泛应用,除了README文件外,issues和wiki均支持markdown语法。 Author果冻虾仁 E-mail 目录...
I'm not a hardcore coder, but for script groups or web applications that I might write in PHP, Perl, or shell scripts, I always supply a README file so that anyone who uses or supports my application will be able to better understand it and its function. You may write your README i...
网页在线版: PDF下载: 本地编译 Clone项目到本地: $ git clone 安装依赖: $ pip install -r requirements.txt 编译生成HTML...
Article “How to write an incredible README on your Github”; GitHub example from a developer with over 27 years in the market; Example of a README file for a back-end project
原文地址:How To Create A GitHub Profile README GitHub最近更新了一项新功能,它可以让用户创建一个可配置的README来在他们的Githb个人主页中突出展示。本文来探索一下怎样使用这项新特性。我也会分享我看到过的的一些有趣的Github个人主页。如果你在Twitter @waterproofheart上与我分享自己的作品,我会很喜欢。
The Repository is created with a README file. Adding Collaborators to the GitHub Repository We would want the team to work on this repository. For this, we will have to invite the collaborators to work on the repository. To add collaborators, go to the main page of the Repository and clic...
FilePurpose The landing page for the directory. This page is rendered when its directory is viewed on GitHub. The license that the code is provided under. Explains how users should contribute to the project, such as pull-request expectations. SECURITY....
git remote add origin[your-username]/[repository-name.git] git push -u origin master For example: Note: For more info, read our guide on how to push Git tags to a remote repository. Step 4: Check Repository Status Git notifies you when you add or modify files in...
A GitHub profile README is a feature of GitHub that allows users to use a Markdown file named README to write details about themselves such as their skills, interests, GitHub stats and showcase it to the GitHub community. It’s shown at the top of your GitHub home page, above the pinn...
Write your own GitHub Actions from scratch. You can make them open source, or even publish them to the GitHub Marketplace. Using open-source GitHub Actions Many GitHub Actions are open source and available for anyone who wants to use them. However, just like with any open-source software...