IEnumerator Movement(float time){ float i = 0; float rate = 1 / time; while(i<1){ i += Time.deltaTime * rate; transform.position = Vector3.Lerp (,Vector3.up*4,i); yield return null; } } #endregion } Run unity, you will notice now ChangePosition and ChangeColor ...
Unity性能测试示例 让我们看一个性能测试示例,以便更好地理解它是如何工作的。 例子:在Unity性能测试中对分析器标记进行采样 [PerformanceUnityTest]publicIEnumeratorSpiralFlame_RenderPerformance(){yieldreturnSceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(spiralSceneName, LoadSceneMode.Additive); ...
In short,Unity coroutines are implemented using C#’s built-in support for iterator blocks. The IEnumerator iterator object that you provide to the StartCoroutine method is saved by Unity and each frame this iterator object is advanced forward to get new values that are yielded by your coroutine...
While the logic to achieve this seems simple, if I wanted to do this in Update, it can quickly become confusing and difficult to manage. To prevent all of the To-Do list items from happening at the same time (which is how Update normally works) I have to keep checking to see if the...
publicclassTestStepToCalculate:MonoBehaviour{voidStart(){ StartCoroutine(Calculate(1000)); }IEnumeratorCalculate(inttimes){intnum =0;// 用于控制每帧的计算次数for(inti =0; i < times; i++) { Debug.Log(Mathf.Pow(i,10));// 计算i的10次方if(++num >=10) ...
IEnumerator Fall(){ GetComponent<AudioSource>().PlayOneShot(fallSound, 0.7F); yield return new WaitForSeconds (2); GetComponent<AudioSource>().Stop(); } } But there are two errors with this one: 1. Assets\_Data\_Scripts\ORKFallDamage.cs(51,26): error CS1501: No overload for method ...
}// 加载AssetBundle压缩包是个异步过程,需要开启协程IEnumerator Load() {// 步骤一:获取AssetBundle压缩包// WWW www = new WWW("http://myserver/myBundle.unity3d"); // 从远端服务器下载// WWW www = new WWW("File://" + Application.streamingAssetsPath + "1.unity3d"); // 手机上从本机加...
Video; using UnityEngine.Networking; using System.Collections; public class LoadVideo : MonoBehaviour { public VideoPlayer myVideoPlayer; void Start() { StartCoroutine(LoadExternalVideo("")); } IEnumerator LoadExternal...
V692. Inappropriate attempt to append a null character to a string. To determine the length of a string by 'strlen' function correctly, use a string ending with a null terminator in the first place. V693. It is possible that 'i < X.size()' should be used instead of 'X.size()'....
In short,Unity coroutines are implemented using C#’s built-in support for iterator blocks. The IEnumerator iterator object that you provide to the StartCoroutine method is saved by Unity and each frame this iterator object is advanced forward to get new values that are yielded by your coroutine...