I have the same problem as well. 2.0 pdb2mdb.exe solved this problem but not the IEnumerator Issue. :( We had the same problems. Using pdb2mdb.exe from'C:\Program Files (x86)\Unity\Editor\Data\Mono\lib\mono\2.0\pdb2mdb. exe'worked as long as we did not useIEnumeratorandyield. ...
IEnumerator Movement(float time){ float i = 0; float rate = 1 / time; while(i<1){ i += Time.deltaTime * rate; transform.position = Vector3.Lerp (Vector3.zero,Vector3.up*4,i); yield return null; } } #endregion } Run unity, you will notice now ChangePosition and ChangeColor ...
2. Instantiate the StaticWebModuleEnumerator in the Bootstrapper You can also opt to create the StaticWebModuleEnumerator somewhere else, for instance when you want to download assemblies at a later time. But then you must call the ModuleLoader yourself.public class Bootstrap...
voidUpdate(){if(Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)){StartCoroutine(MoveTank());}}IEnumeratorMoveTank(){while(facingWrongWay){TurnTank();yieldreturnnull;}while(notInPosition){MoveToPosition();yieldreturnnull;}yieldreturnnewWaitForSeconds(1);Fire();} Copy This time, the code works more like a To-Do ...
@Demigiant I am in a position where I called TweenerCore<...>.Kill() once in my code and later even removed the call to it, but the editor keeps on declaring that it's killed and invalid. This happens when I try to cache my tween inside a Unity IEnumerator coroutine: tween ??= ...
V692. Inappropriate attempt to append a null character to a string. To determine the length of a string by 'strlen' function correctly, use a string ending with a null terminator in the first place. V693. It is possible that 'i < X.size()' should be used instead of 'X.size()'....
How to connect to Redis on docker container over SSL from Unity application for windows? when I run the Redis command (KEYS), I get an error. Below is the error I got: TlsException: Handshake failed - error code: UNITYTLS_INTERNAL_ERROR, verify result: 4294957312 Mono.Unity.Debug.CheckAn...
I want to build a collection of type System.Collection.ObjectModel.Collection<System.String>. Lets call this ‘myColl’.This has to be enumerable so I need to do:System.Collection.Generic.IEnumerable<myColl>. How do I put items into this collection? If you try to do myEnum.Add or ...
UnityTest 属性允许协同程序在多个帧上运行测试。在这种情况下,您只需实例化角色并断言它已被加载。 一般来说,您应该在编辑模式下使用 NUnit Test 属性而不是 UnityTest 属性,除非您需要产生特殊指令、需要跳过一帧或在播放模式下等待一定时间。 在播放模式下测试角色移动...
Now hit play and spin the wheel to see what you can win (Don’t cheat :P). Simple isn’t it? If you still have any doubts leave a comment & I’ll be back (Just like Arnold Schwarzenegger would say!). Also check out our other awesome Unity Tutorials right here. Got an Idea of...