DCOUNTA Function in Excel: 5 Different Cases In the following dataset, some items are provided with their price, quantity (Qty), and sales in different states of the US. We’ll use this dataset to demonstrate uses of theDCOUNTAfunction. Example 1 – Using the DCOUNTA Function with a Single...
This Excel tutorial explains how to use the Excel DCOUNTA function with syntax and examples. The Microsoft Excel DCOUNTA function returns the number of cells in a column or database that contains nonblank values and meets a given criteria.
Use the formula to count fields having city “Los Angeles” & “TotalPrice” less than 100. =DCOUNT(A1:F15,"TotalPrice",A17:F18) The count is 2. Use the DCOUNTA function to count number fields having condition not only on numeric values. ...
To count non-empty cellsadjacent to a specific cell, you could use: =COUNTIFS(A:A,"B",B:B,">0") Recall that COUNTIFS only counts values thatmeet all specified criteria. Alternatively, the DCOUNTA function can calculate non-blank cells in a field based on specified criteria. Use Multiple ...
In theFunction Argumentsdialog box, where you seeSerial_ name, TypeA2:A5into the entry box. Click,OK; you will see the result. I hope this was helpful. Now read: How to use theDCOUNT and DCOUNTA Function in Microsoft Excel.
Basis:Optional, the type of day count basis to use. Default, it is omitted. BasisDay Count 0 or omittedUS (NASD) 30/360 1Actual/actual 2Actual/360/td> 3Actual/365 4European 30/360 Return Value TheDCOUNTAfunction returns a numeric value. ...
DCOUNTA DGET DMAX DMIN DPRODUCT DSTDEV DSTDEVP DSUM DVAR DVARP Type: Database Database functions are convenient when Google Sheets is used to maintain structured data, like a database. Each database function, Dfunction, computes the corresponding function on a subset of a cell range regarded as...
DCOUNTA Counts the number of nonblank cells in a field of the database that match the criteria you specify. DGET Extracts a single value from a record in the database that matches the criteria you specify. If no record matches, the function returns the #VALUE! error value. If multiple re...
The DCOUNTA function counts the cells that in a field of records in a databased which match the specified criteria. The Best Office Productivity Tools Kutools for Excel - Helps You To Stand Out From Crowd Kutools for Excel Boasts Over 300 Features,Ensuring That What You Need is Just A Clic...