Since a long time SAP offers the ActiveX RFC Controls - wrapper around the classic RFC library (LibRFC [ANSI] and LibRFCU [Unicode]). You can use this ActiveX Controls
I'm trying to create a little time stamping service using jsrsasign. When creating timestamps, these cannot be parsed/verified with jarsigner or openssl's ts. How can jsrsasign be used to create a timestamp, that can be parsed and verified with jarsigner (
世界最大的技术学会,在全球160多个国家拥有43万多会员Notforprofitorganizationdedicatedto “AdvancingTechnologyForHumanity” 非盈利组织,致力于为人类谋福祉 FourCoreareasofactivity 核心业务领域 –Membershiporganization –Conferencesorganizer –Standardsdeveloper ...
The last question on this topic: is user_jobs view is the right place to look in order to determine that's rebuilding is done and how long it took? In package I am writing, I do massive delete operation, then rebuilding indexes, then starting the next routine. What would be the best ...