To count non-empty cellsadjacent to a specific cell, you could use: =COUNTIFS(A:A,"B",B:B,">0") Recall that COUNTIFS only counts values thatmeet all specified criteria. Alternatively, the DCOUNTA function can calculate non-blank cells in a field based on specified criteria. Use Multiple ...
TheDCOUNTAfunction returns a numeric value. Remarks 1. You should better not place the criteria below the database, otherwise, adding new information to database will be inconvenient. 2. If you want to count the number of all items in the column of the database, leave a blank row under ...
DCOUNTA DGET DMAX DMIN DPRODUCT DSTDEV DSTDEVP DSUM DVAR DVARP Type: Database Database functions are convenient when Google Sheets is used to maintain structured data, like a database. Each database function, Dfunction, computes the corresponding function on a subset of a cell range regarded as ...