63041 - Vivado IP Integrator - How to populate the BRAM in processorless IP Integrator systems Description Processor-less block RAM (BRAM) systems are a popular use-case in FPGA solutions. However, currently the Vivado tool will not allow the user to associate ELF to processor-less Block Memor...
63090 - Xapp585 - How to use Xapp585 in Vivado Description The current version of Xapp585 is available with a UCF file only. How can I use Xapp585 in Vivado? Solution The VHDL and Verilog files do not require any changes. It is only the constraints file (UCF) that needs to be ...
The Vivado DRC tool can check if the configuration interfaces of the device have correct voltage support based on the Configuration Bank Voltage Select (CFGBVS), CONFIG_VOLTAGE, and the CONFIG_MODE properties settings. Those properties are also needed to support some other features in I/O Planning...
How do I enable IEEE-1735 Version 2 encryption in Vivado? Solution The IEEE-1735 v2 encryption feature requires a license which can be requested by emailing xilinx_security_app@amd.com. Note: The user/Company is required to have purchased a Vivado ML Edition license to be eligible to receive...
63987 - Simulation - How to run functional simulation using Vivado Simulator? Description You can perform functional simulation after synthesis or implementation. It allows you to ensure that the synthesized or implemented design meets the functional requirements and behaves as expected. This article desc...
The I/O and clock placer error messaging in Vivado is verbose and very helpful in understanding the reason for the error. The first section of the error message states what the problem is and whether the problem would lead to sub-optimal routing or whether the connection is entirely unroutable...
The main function of the SMU is power management. The SMU is in charge of managing the system’s power consumption and ensuring that electricity is supplied to the various components most efficiently. Power-saving techniques used by the SMU include clock gating, power gating, and dynamic voltage...
So @D@n, what's the chance of seeing a compact demo of your IP that does that and can be replicated by user's of this forum using Vitis and Vivado? I'm absolutely sure that more than a few readers of the Digilent Forums would find it to be interesting and useful. ...
Anyway the fully created vivado-reference-design as it has been produced by the hdl-workflow advisor is shown below. I also checked, that the configured addresses match those of the .dts files in the buildroot repository (as i copi...
. . . . . 2-20 Upgrade to Xilinx Vivado 2023.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20 4KB boundary handling for AXI4-Master interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20 Use memory and SoC peripheral blocks ...