ERROR: [Synth 8-1875] default case should appear only once [/root/Vivado/Pulpin3/Pulpin3.srcs/sources_1/imports/pulpino/ips/apb/apb_event_unit/] ERROR: [Synth 8-1875] default case should appear only once [/root/Vivado/Pulpin3/Pulpin3.srcs/sources_1/imports/pulpino/...
In this case, the IP XDC is read after the user files. This behavior is controlled by the PROCESSING_ORDER property, set for each XDC file: • EARLY: Files that must be read first • NORMAL: Default • LATE: Files that must be read last An IP XDC will have its PROCESSING_ORDER...
In this case the square brackets would be evaluated as part of the object name, transformLoop[0]. In line 3, the backslash indicates that the bracket should be interpreted as a standard character rather than a special character, and this will prevent nested command substitution. Using Tcl ...
X-Ref Target - Figure 2-47 Figure 2-47: Single-Bit Register in Elaborated Design Multi-Bit Register Names By default, the register name is based on the signal name in the RTL, plus the _reg suffix. You can only query and constrain individual bits of the multi-bit register in your ...
However, you should avoid using spaces in order to preserve portability of the project or files between the Windows and Linux operating systems. UG973 (v2021.1) June 16, 2021 Vivado Design Suite 2021.1 Release Notes Send Feedback 6 Chapter 1: Release Notes The Vivado Design ...
Creating and Packaging Custom IP UG1118 (v2021.2) November 3, 2021 Send Feedback 19 Chapter 2: IP Packaging Basics IMPORTANT: The USED_IN property for an OOC XDC file should be {synthesis implementation out_of_context}. If it is only set to out_of_context, it is not ...
Rule: Constraints that are to be used only when the board flow is not being used should be commented out by default. FIXMEs should be used to show where the user must manually enter values. This system requires that the user edits imported XDCs after a design is completed in order to ...
In this case the square brackets would be evaluated as part of the object name, transformLoop[0]. In line 3, the backslash indicates that the bracket should be interpreted as a standard character rather than a special character, and this will prevent nested command substitution. While lines 2...
In the case I question I was creating custom IP and then adding it to a project. This added to the frustration, because the actual errors resulting from my mistakes would appear only when synthesizing the project the IP was used in, making them harder to find and more work to fix. The...
For default settings of Vivado, where '-flatten_hierarchy' is set to 'rebuilt', the tool will try to flatten the hierarchy and will perform cross-boundary optimizations. The tool tries to find optimization possibilities across the boundaries and can crash (in the worst case) due to a tool ...