Hi @qianglin-xlnx , How to open vitis_analyzer through the GUI or the command line? There is only "Xilinx Vitis 2021.2", "Vivado 2021.2", "Vitis Model Composer", "Vitis HLS 2021.2", "Documentation Navigator" on Desktop. Thanks. I failed ...
Vivado and VitisHLS flows both show all terminal commands output by the tool so that I could recreate them in my own non-gui flow, but Vitis IDE flow doesn't output anything. How am I supposed to reproduce the project in non-gui flow? I can it generates the Emulation-HW folder, in ...
Open the Implemented Design or open the routed DCP, set the two properties by running the set_property commands in the Tcl Console, then generate the bitstream by running "write_bitstream" command in the Tcl Console. If you do not need Vivado DRC tool to check the configuration voltage suppo...
You will see that the IP icon in the IP Sources window has changed to This shows that the IP core is not managed by Vivado.If you do a get_property IS_LOCKED [get_files <IP_NAME>.xci] you will see that this has become 1, which is true, meaning the IP is locked. In the ...
Then I created a block design in vivado for microcontroller preset with uartlite and the MIG as shown below and programmed my fpga board with this design. Now, I am trying to open a file in Vitis and load the contents of the file byt...
When you first run Vivado this will be the main start window where you can create a new project or open a recent one. Click onCreate New Project. Choose the Project Name and Location such that there areno blank spaces. This is an important naming convention to follow for project names, ...
xapp888_drp_clkout <DIVIDE> <Duty Cycle e.g. 0.5> <Phase e.g.11.25> <CLKOUT0 to CLKOUT6> First, download the example design package from the link provided on XAPP888. Open Vivado and on the Tcl command bar, source the desired top_mmcmeX.tcl file, as in the example below: source...
64450 - 2015.1 Vivado - How do I debug the error: "ERROR: [Drc 23-20] Rule violation (BIVC-1) Bank IO standard Vcc - Conflicting Vcc voltages in bank 15."? Description My design fails with the following errors in place_design: ERROR: [Place 30-743] IO/clock placer failed to collec...
How can I load them in PlanAhead or Vivado and open them in the schematic view. Solution Whether the Schematic files can be openeddepends on where the files were generated. Schematic Design Files (Generated in ISE or any other EDA tool)cannot be openedin Vivado or PlanAhead. ...
66184 - Install - How do I find out which libraries are required to run Vivado tools in Linux? Description I have installed Vivado on my Linux OS (CentOS, Ubuntu, RHEL, SUSE) but when I try and open Vivado or other Vivado tools it crashes. ...