The alias command is simple, and you can use it as: aliasalias_name='command' Please replace the ‘alias_name’ and ‘command’ with the name of the alias and the target command, respectively. In simple words, alias means the shortcut command you want to create.For instance, you can c...
#My custom aliasesalias home=”ssh -i ~/.ssh/mykep.pem tecmint@”alias ll="ls -alF" Save the file. The file will be automatically loaded in your next session. If you want to use the newly defined alias in the current session, issue the following command: $ source ~/.b...
[alias]- Defines a new string that references an existing command. The name must exclude special characters and the wordsaliasandunalias, which cannot be used as aliases. [command-or-path]- Specifies the command or the path to ascriptthat the alias references. Single quotes separate this eleme...
The alias command can be used in the following scenarios: Configure an easy-to-rember string of characters as the alias for a command. Then, you can just enter the alias string when you need to run the command. For example, define the alias for display as show. You can enter the alias...
The alias command can be used in the following scenarios: Configure an easy-to-rember string of characters as the alias for a command. Then, you can just enter the alias string when you need to run the command. For example, define the alias for display as show. You can enter the alias...
Example-2: Permanent bash alias declaration To solve the above problem, you can create permanent alias command. Suppose you want to create a shortcut of the “mkdir” command with the alias name “C” and use it permanently. Open ~/.bashrc file in any editor, add alias command in that ...
How to unset (delete) a Bash Alias? You can unset (or delete) an existing Bashaliasby using the Bashunaliasbuiltin command. All the existing aliases would be removed when using the-aoption. # unset "ll" alias[me@linux ~]$unaliasll# unset all aliases[me@linux ~]$unalias-a ...
Aliases are not expanded when the shell is not interactive, unless the expand_aliases shell option is set using shopt. It can be tested by adding the command "alias" to simple bash script and the script execution will not give the alias command, whereas
How to unset the alias which you have done previously? Yes, we must have an idea about this. How to unset alias? simply you can use the command ‘unalias’ for doing the same. Command: unalias $aliasname Example: root@jishnu [~]# u ...
To remove an alias, use the unalias command: unalias alias-name For example, to remove the update temporary alias from above, enter: unalias update To remove all aliases: unalias -a Note Removing all aliases also removes the system default aliases. Helpful Examples Here are some helpful ...