<INTERFACE|PUBLIC|PRIVATE> [items1...] [<INTERFACE|PUBLIC|PRIVATE> [items2...] ...])#添加头文件include目录#<target> 不能是ALIAS的别名 一定要是原名#这个设置 影响目标的两个 属性变量参考target_compile_options的属性获取方法#INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES#INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES target_link_libraries targ...
默认情况下 CMake 会自动检测和选择编译器,在 Unix 系统优先选择 gcc,在 Windows 上优先选择 MSVC。 某种语言使用的编译器会保存在 CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPLIER 中,LANG 可以是 C、CXX、Fortran 等。 因此可通过 CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER 指定 C++ 编译器:set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER "/path/to/compiler")。 或使用命令...
VSStandardCommands97 Constructors Fields cmdidAbout cmdidAddExistingItem cmdidAddExistingProject cmdidAddExistingSolutionItem cmdidAddinManager cmdidAddNewItem cmdidAddNewProject cmdidAddNewSolutionItem cmdidAddToOutput cmdidAddWatch cmdidAlias cmdidAlignBottom cmdidAlignHorizontalCenters ...
set(CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS ON) 注意:根据CMake官方文档,这个选项只对 Makefile Generators 和 Ninja Generators 有效,其他情况例如MSVC会忽略这个选项。 GUI 操作 在Windows 下载 CMake 的同时会附带 cmake-gui.exe,支持直接在图形界面进行简单操作: 第一步,添加源代码目录(即包含项目 CMakeLists.txt 的...
Simply install then execute pymake -p to list commands and pymake to use a command, in a directory containing a Makefile. Known Issues For compatibility, ensure: Every alias is preceded by @[+]make (eg: @make alias) A maximum of one @make alias or command per line A full list ...
Examples of some additional useful commands: To list all running vmware workstation images & sort them. alias v="vmrun -T ws list | (sed -u 1q; sort)" After starting the headless image, get the IP address (if not static) that was granted. alias vip1="time vmrun -T ws getGuestIP...
I wanted it to run even smoother and changing the windows theme to "classic" helps with that, so I downloaded a program that allowes me to change the themes with cmd commands and I made this script- START c:\ThemeSwitcher classic start steam://rungameid/271590 ti...
cmake 2.8.6 Last change: June 17, 2014 3 User Commands cmake(1) --find-package Run in pkg-config like mode. Search a package using find_package() and print the resulting flags to stdout. This can be used to use cmake instead of pkg-config to find installed libraries in plain Make...
C# code to read Windows Event Viewer System log in real time C# code to refresh excel data C# code to send ZPL II commands to zebra printer C# Code to send/receive sms messages through a modem c# Collection was modified. enumeration operation might not execute. C# combobox.SelectedItem retu...