Devenv command-line switches Visual Studio commands Reference Command aliases Add Existing Item command Add Existing Project command Alias command Evaluate Statement command Find command Go To command Import and Export Settings command List Call Stack command List Disassembly command List Memory command List...
ALIAS - 访问本地机器上的别名 BASEBOARD - 基板 (也叫母板或系统板) 管理。 BIOS - 基本输入/输出服务 (BIOS) 管理。 BOOTCONFIG - 启动配置管理。 CDROM - CD-ROM 管理。 COMPUTERSYSTEM - 计算机系统管理。 CPU - CPU 管理。 CSPRODUCT - SMBIOS 的计算机系统产品信息。 DATAFILE - DataFile 管理。 DCOM...
the Windows Console provides command-history and command-alias services, which aimed to eliminate the need for every command-line shells (in particular) to re-re-re-implement the same functionality. We’ll return to this subject in the future. ...
A connection can be established through the command-line interface.When requesting a connection through the command line, several parameters can be appended.Command Description anydesk.exe <ID/Alias> <additional parameters> AnyDesk will request a connection to the specified client. See Optional ...
the default help displays the available commands. If you drill in a bit runningwinget<command>--helpyou will see if any aliases are available. Below, you can see “find” is an alias for “search”. Other command aliases includeaddfor install,updatefor upgrade,removeandrmfor uninstall,lsfor...
>alias myAlias File.NewProject "Visual Basic Projects\Windows Application" Press ENTER.The status bar displays the text "Alias <aliasname> created". The new alias now appears in the auto-completion list for commands.To delete an alias for a Visual Studio commandOpen...
WMIC(Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line)命令是源于Microsoft Windows 操作系统的管理工具。它是基于 WMI(Windows Management Instrumentation)技术的命令行接口,允许用户通过命令行方式执行各种系统管理任务。 WMI 是 Microsoft 提供的一种系统管理基础架构,用于在 Windows 操作系统上获取和控制管理信息。它提供了...
System.CommandLine 程序集: System.CommandLine.dll 重要 一些信息与预发行产品相关,相应产品在发行之前可能会进行重大修改。 对于此处提供的信息,Microsoft 不作任何明示或暗示的担保。 表示应用程序执行的特定操作。 C#复制 publicclassCommand:System.CommandLine.IdentifierSymbol,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Sy...
Help (Command Line) Displays general help for using Visual SourceSafe in a Microsoft Windows Help file.History (Command Line) Shows the history of a file or project in Visual SourceSafe.Label (Command Line) Assigns a label to the specified items (files or projects).Links (Command Line) Shows...
At the command prompt, enter an alias, command, or global switch, or enter/?for Help. When you are done with WMIC in interactive mode, typeExitorQuit, and then press ENTER. WMIC includes Help at the command line. At any level you can type/?and get additional details. By itself,/?pr...