DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is the genetic material that is found in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and is the template that cells use to make proteins. The formation of proteins from DNA occurs in two steps: transcription and translation....
How can DNA be transcribed to RNA? In eukaryotes, describe what genes each RNA polymerase transcribes. Describe how DNA results in a functional protein in the cell. Choose an actual protein and trace it through the process of transcription and translation to its ...
How does the RNA polymerase know where to stop? The DNA sequence that determines whether RNA polymerase binds the promoter is called what? How does RNA polymerase choose its DNA strand to transcribe? Explain how you think a polymerase might have come into existence. Then...
Moreover, mRNA is a safer vector than DNA as mRNA carries a short sequence to be translated, is a transient molecule, and does not interact with the host genome. Third, protein-based vaccines are often produced from bacteria, whereas mRNA vaccines are translated by the host translation ...
it became evident that the replication of thehepadnaviridaewas in some steps similar to that of theretroviridae.The similarity to retroviruses is mainly restricted to the ability of the viral DNA polymerase to transcribe both RNA and DNA and to remove by the coupled RNase H activity the trans...
it became evident that the replication of thehepadnaviridaewas in some steps similar to that of theretroviridae.The similarity to retroviruses is mainly restricted to the ability of the viral DNA polymerase to transcribe both RNA and DNA and to remove by the coupled RNase H activity the trans...
The movement of genetic information in cells from DNA to messenger RNA to protein is described by the central dogma in the field of molecular biology. According to the idea, genes dictate the sequence of mRNA molecules, which determines the sequence of proteins....
How do I transcribe DNA to mRNA and mRNA to protein? How is DNA less chemically reactive and more structurally stable than RNA? During RNA processing and splicing, what portions of the transcript are used for translation? a) spliceosome b) ribozymes c) introns d) exons How can antisense RN...
How does RNA polymerase choose its DNA strand to transcribe? How are RNA genomes replicated? How many genes are involved in the adenine biosynthesis pathway and what are they? Comment on DNA, RNA, Genes, Mutations, and Gene Therapies. Comment on DNA and RNA, Genes, Mutatio...
How do I transcribe DNA to mRNA and mRNA to protein? If a DNA molecule template is TAC CCA GCC TTA ACT AAG, the mRNA that would form from this template would begin with what codon? Show the first codon only. A. Describe the significance of the sequence ...