How does RNA polymerase choose its DNA strand to transcribe? How DNA replication occurs? What is the function of the primers in a PCR reaction? Describe the steps of how a PCR generates many copies of a particular sequence. Why is Taq DNA polymerase commonly used in PCR, as opposed to,...
How do I transcribe DNA to mRNA and mRNA to protein? Explain chromatin remodeling. What is it and what does it do to DNA? What is the first step in replicating DNA in chromatin form? How are DNA, RNA, and proteins related in the cell?
What is the definition of transcribe? Learn the meaning of transcribe and how to get a transcription in this guide. By: Michael Keenan 14 February 2024 11 minute readingIf you’ve ever watched a movie with subtitles on because the audio was terrible or there was a really indecipherable acce...
To create an enzyme, the cell must first transcribe the gene in the DNA into messenger RNA. The transcription is performed by an enzyme called RNA polymerase. RNA polymerase binds to the DNA strand at the promoter, unlinks the two strands of DNA and then makes a complementary copy of one...
How does RNA polymerase choose its DNA strand to transcribe? Explain how you think a polymerase might have come into existence. Then explain how you think the first polymerase would have been transcribed (and then translated) if there was not yet a polymerase in existence...
The DMD gene is some 2100 kilobases long, and takes 16 hours to transcribe. Note that this is longer than it might take some developing neural cells to divide. What this means is that if cells are replicating faster than they can finish their protein expression, then there are bound to be...
I had assumed that I could autio transcribe some captions in Premiere and bring these into After Effects saving me hours. There seems to be a bunch of paid plug ins that do more or less this but it feels like it should be built in. Surely there are may use ...
This reduces total cDNA yield and the percentage of full-length cDNA, limiting the usefulness of AMV RT to reverse transcribe RNAs longer than ~5kb. Typical RT-PCR conditions include the use of up to 5µg of total RNA or up to 100ng of polyA+ mRNA, 20–30 units of enzyme and a ...
The original alphabet in the FASTA file is not very informative, but in this case, we know that we have a DNA alphabet. Therefore, we will create a new sequence with a more informative alphabet. As we now have an unambiguous DNA, we can transcribe it as follows: rna = seq.transcribe...
The Golden Shovel is a poetry form invented by Terrance Hayes. To write a golden shovel, the last word of each line should be read vertically so that it transcribes the text of another poem (making this form a modified version of the telestich). ...