At the 5' end, a methylguanylate cap is attached. At the 3' end, a long sequence of adenine nucleotides, called a poly(A) tail, is added. The cap a How can DNA be transcribed to RNA? In eukaryotes, describe what genes each RNA polymerase transcribes. ...
How is PCR superior to colony hybridization for identifying DNA sequences of interest? What are the role of DNA polymerase and RNA polymerase? Answer the following questions regarding PCR reactions: \\ a. What do dNTPs provide during DNA replication? How are they different from dNMPs?\\ b. ...
How do transcription enzymes know the sequence of DNA that is to be translated into a required protein? How does RNA polymerase choose which strand to start to use as a template? a. RNA can only transcribe from the strand with the most major units. b. Certain sequ...
The DMD gene is some 2100 kilobases long, and takes 16 hours to transcribe. Note that this is longer than it might take some developing neural cells to divide. What this means is that if cells are replicating faster than they can finish their protein expression, then there are bound to be...
The Transcribe/Create Subtitles feature is amazingly powerful and very quick to use. I'm currently adding subtitles to a bunch of interviews and podcasts. It takes me about 15 to 20 minutes to transcribe, spell check, edit, and then create subtitles for a five-minu...
Therefore, we will create a new sequence with a more informative alphabet. As we now have an unambiguous DNA, we can transcribe it as follows: rna = seq.transcribe()print(rna) Note that the seq constructor takes a string, not a sequence. You will see that the alphabet of the rna ...
Well, the first thing you will need is a template to use for standard curve generation. Ideally, this should be from the same source as what will be used during your experiment. So, if you have generated complementary DNA (cDNA) from RNA extracted from a cell culture experiment, for examp...
This reduces total cDNA yield and the percentage of full-length cDNA, limiting the usefulness of AMV RT to reverse transcribe RNAs longer than ~5kb. Typical RT-PCR conditions include the use of up to 5µg of total RNA or up to 100ng of polyA+ mRNA, 20–30 units of enzyme and a ...
To do both things, the virus needs a special kind of polymerase, the protein that will function as a copying machine for the viral genome. Every living cell, including each of ours, uses polymerases to copy its DNA-based genome and to transcribe its contents (the genes) into RNA-based in...
Moreover, mRNA is a safer vector than DNA as mRNA carries a short sequence to be translated, is a transient molecule, and does not interact with the host genome. Third, protein-based vaccines are often produced from bacteria, whereas mRNA vaccines are translated by the host translation ...