A trademark could be a word, phrase, tagline, or logo associated with your product or service. Getting a trademark gives you exclusive rights to identify your product or service with that name or tagline, informs everyone that you own that trademark, and legally bars others from using it or...
What is a DBA? Most Profitable Small Business Ideas What Is a Registered Agent? How to Conduct a Trademark Search What is the Divorce Process? How to Find Out if a Business Name is Taken? What is an Affidavit? What is a Prenuptial Agreement?
Trademark Dos and Don'ts Remember that trademark rights are established by use. In order to maintain your claim over a mark, you have to be sure that you are using the mark properly. This page covers a lot of useful advice to keep in mind when it comes to the use of your trademark....
It might be a good idea to visit a Patent and Trademark Depository Library, where you can search all patents and categories for other inventions like yours. A. Otherwise, you may have a great idea but no understanding of how to accomplish it B. Now you'll have to spend time considering...
How to copyright / trademark a logo. Understand the difference between copyright and trademark law in terms of your logo and business name.
Learn how to trademark a logo with this comprehensive guide. Explore the steps, costs, and legal benefits of protecting your brand identity.
For a slogan to qualify for trademark protection, it must be used in a commercial context and be distinctive. This use does not have to be immediate but can be planned for the near future. The phrase should not be generic or merely descriptive of the product or service. Instead, it shoul...
4. Apply for Your Trademark as Soon as Possible Even if yourproduct or service isn’t market-ready, you should still consider filing a trademark application. Why spend money totrademark somethingthat doesn’t yet exist? Because doing so offers you a greater level of protection. ...
Trademark and patent law lets you benefit from your own great ideas. Claiming a trademark or patent on&your product can be thrilling, but the process may leave you with a serious headache. From classifications to applications, filing a claim on your product will take time, patience and ...
Therefore, it does not refer to the uses of the logo, but rather to confusion in the marketplace, thus limiting what uses of the logo could be found infringing. This means that if someone else is using a similar logo design, it cannot refer to trademark infringement, but rather copyright...