How to get a trademark FAQ Start your online business today. For free.Start free trial When you start a business or develop a product, it’s important to take steps to both differentiate your brand from others in the market and protect your intellectual property rights. Establishing source ide...
trademark application being approved, you can apply for an extension request. This is a sworn statement that states you still intend to use the protected trademark in commerce, but you need extra time to use it—like if you’ve trademarked a product name that’s still in development, for ...
A trademark could be a word, phrase, tagline, or logo associated with your product or service. Getting a trademark gives you exclusive rights to identify your product or service with that name or tagline, informs everyone that you own that trademark, and legally bars others from using it or ...
Claiming a trademark or patent on&your product can be thrilling, but the process may leave you with a serious headache. From classifications to applications, filing a claim on your product will take time, patience and careful consideration.&To help you get started, here is a guide&on how ...
When Is the Right Time to Trademark Your Brand? Protect Your Brand Like a Celebrity Do I Need a Trademark Attorney? Avoid These 7 Trademark Mistakes Avoid Rejection: 5 Mistakes that Could Work Against Your Trademark Application Top Get helpful tips and info from our newsletter!
You don’thaveto trademark your logo, but there are a lot of advantages to doing so. The long-term benefits will not only protect you but can also help you establish a wide-reaching brand presence. Here are the main reasons to trademark your logo: ...
Action, the 3 months for the publication period in the Official Gazette, and the 2-3 months for the issuance of the certificate of registration, you get a total of about 12-18 months. This is what can generally be expected in terms of timing for how long it takes to get a trademark....
A trademark is a legally registered type of intellectual property representing a company and is used to identify products (goods). A company that sells products, such as shoes or clothes, would use a trademark. For example, the Apple logo is a trademark used on their products. A service mar...
For a slogan to qualify for trademark protection, it must be used in a commercial context and be distinctive. This use does not have to be immediate but can be planned for the near future. The phrase should not be generic or merely descriptive of the product or service. Instead, it shoul...
and advertising elements that distinguish the product from its competitors. The product contributes to the company'sbrand equity. A successful brand adds enormous value to a company, giving it a competitive edge over others in the same industry. As such, many companies gettrademarksto legally prote...