Simply using your trademark does not protect you from someone else in the same industry using your name or design—but registering your trademark does. In the case of someone else using the same name or design as your company, you’ll have to prove that you came up with it first, which ...
In fact, the main remedy method for trademark registration is invalidation. The trademark opposition period is 3 months. Normal enterprises do not have the energy to pay attention to the announcements of the Intellectual Property Office every day, and the “withdrawal of the three” has to wait ...
Goods are physical items consumers purchase, while services are activities you perform for other people. You’d think knowing whether your class is goods and services would be straightforward, but that’s where some folks slip up because you need to be aware of single or multiple classes. ...
4. Purchase your domain name and complete its registration Once you decide on a domain name, it's time to purchase it. Mailchimp will inform you about the domain’s annual cost and any available discounts. During the checkout process, you’ll enter your contact information, including an emai...
There’s a lot to do between finding an idea and making a full-time income from your online business. Here are nine steps to help you sell online.
How to Trademark a Name in Five Steps + Seven Mistakes to Avoid Please note: This post contains affiliate links and we may receive a commission if you make a purchase using these links. Share: Table of Contents: 1. Determine If a Trademark Is Right for You 2. Perform a U.S. ...
Sellers often utilize tools and software to efficiently find profitable products to resell. Example In this case, let’s say you identify discounted headphones on another retailer’s website using product scanning software. You then purchase a large quantity of the headphones at a lower price and...
However, it's important to note that you may have to purchase the final vector file if you want to use your logo for professional purposes. Top online logo design tools: Wix Logo Maker Wix Logo Maker is an AI-powered platform that enables businesses and individuals to create professional ...
with the process of buying online and importing goods from overseas. With a massive purchasing power and a growing love for online purchase, the US market has a range of advantages for export businesses. While the competition to break into the US market might be high, the benefits are vast....
How to Trademark a Business Name: A 5-Step Guide 3. Choose an ownership structure. Your business’ legal structure can impact what you’re liable for and the taxes you pay. The most common types of business structures are sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company, and corporat...