A trademark signals to others that it is your intellectual property of which you have the exclusive rights to. Intellectual property refers to the ownership of any creation, idea, or design by the person who came up with it. A trademark is not just a one time thing; any trademark you own...
A trademark could be a word, phrase, tagline, or logo associated with your product or service. Getting a trademark gives you exclusive rights to identify your product or service with that name or tagline, informs everyone that you own that trademark, and legally bars others from using it or ...
How to get a trademark FAQ Start your online business today. For free.Start free trial When you start a business or develop a product, it’s important to take steps to both differentiate your brand from others in the market and protect your intellectual property rights. Establishing source ide...
Are you a business owner trying to build your brand? Protecting your logo by registering it as a trademark with the USPTO is a critical step.
A final step before you lock in a name for your company is to do a trademark search. A basicsearch of US trademarks is free. It gives you some confidence that you're not choosing a name that will lead to an expensive lawsuit in the future. ...
Trademark Electronic Search System or with the Office of the Secretary of State for the state in which your business is located. And, remember you’ll eventually want to build a website for your business. Because your domain name will most likely be the same as your business name, make ...
This isn’t a bad idea, if you want to take this route. When you’re ready to register, the steps below will show you how to do so in the United States. For other territories, you may need to conduct some more research. Step 1: Consider Hiring a Trademark Attorney ...
How to Trademark a Business Name: A 5-Step Guide 3. Choose an ownership structure. Your business’ legal structure can impact what you’re liable for and the taxes you pay. The most common types of business structures are sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company, and corporat...
A trademark doesn’t safeguard your invention’s physical or digital makeup. According toUpCounsel, “If you're trying to protect a unique mark that identifies goods from your company, you need to apply for a trademark. If you want to protect a product or the ornamental design of a produc...
A company can become inseparable from its brand.Coca-Cola, the soft drink, is synonymous with the company itself, even though the company now owns Schweppes, Dasani, and Hi-C, among hundreds of other brands. Why Trademark? Trademarks identify exclusive ownership of a brand and its associated ...