Start with your head in neutral posture. To stretch your left SCM muscle to start,rotate your head away from that side, towards the right side, then gently tilt your head back, to engage and stretchyour sternocleidomastoid muscle fibers. How do you relieve Sternocleidomastoid pain? Pain manageme...
SCM Stretch Targeted muscle: Sternocleidomastoid (SCM) How to do it: –Begin in a standing position with your neck retracted. –Tilt your head to the right and rotate your chin upwards to the left until you feel a slight stretch on the left side of your neck. –Hold this position for 1...
You should start simple neck stretches as soon as your body is able to tolerate it. Stretching helps to ease muscle tightness and restore normal range of motion of the neck.[7] Below are some simple neck stretches to try: 4. SCM Stretch –Begin in a standing position with your neck retr...
So, what are some steps you can take to improve forward head posture? Try massaging your SCM (Sternocleidomastoid) muscle, which are the tight bands that extend in a “V” from your collar bone. Just press two fingers to them and begin the massage. Start some neck flexion to stretch the...
Priority:Return the shoulder and neck alignment to normal. How to fix it – Stretch/relax the shortened muscles:basically all the muscles in the upper back and neck, like the trapezius, sternocleidomastoid, and the chest muscles like the pectoralis ...