To <> Subject Re: st: Re: how can one quickly remove all variable labels? Date Thu, 12 Sep 2013 09:47:08 +0900Eric A. Booth wrote: _strip_labels is for value labels, Lazlo was asking about stripping all value labels. Even so, _strip_labels takes a ...
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Learn about factor analysis - a simple way to condense the data in many variables into a just a few variables.
stata no panel variable set,use tssethow to deal with it this is the help from stata.[P] error ...Return code 198invalid syntax;___ invalid;range invalid;___ invalid obs no;invalid filename;___ invalid varnam
First, a sub-procedure named RemoveDuplicatesSelectedRange() is initiated. Next, we declared a variable mn_input_range as Range. Following that, we set the input range variable to Selection. After that, we used the RemoveDuplicates Method to remove the duplicates from the selected range. Run th...
We employ the Augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF) test due to its capability to test unit roots of the unbalanced panel. As the means of all variables deviate from zero, we include the drift term in the ADF test. We use two lags to remove autoregressive components of the variables. As a robu...
However, I just want to point out that in Step 2, you state: “To get it, create a new variable in which you subtract the mean from the original value, then divide that by the standard error.” I think this should say standard deviation instead of standard error to avoid confusion, ...
# coerce this result to a data.frame object map.df <- na.omit( ) ) # name your variable something less mathy map.df$im <- map.df[ , paste0( "k.wprev.N" , your.N , ".RInf" ) ] # sort and move on. map.df <- map.df[ order( map.df...
Fromdaniel klein <> To"" <> SubjectRe: st: how can one quickly remove all variable labels? DateThu, 12 Sep 2013 09:40:15 +0200 Follow-Ups:
Dear statalist, This may sound like a trivial question, but I unsuccessfully looked foran answer so far. I need to perform certain action A if there is a variable XA defined in the dta file, and an action B if there is a variable XB in the dta file.How ...