听说你需要用到stata回归显著性调整,那么看看这里吧!!! 1.缩尾 将数据进行缩尾处理,常用命令 winsor2 variable,cut(199)replace 2 将部分数据进行对数化处理,常用合令replace variable= - 猴哥说论文于20230918发布在抖音,已经收获了4340个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生
hi, I have a fairly simple problem for which I am sure STATA has an easy solution but I can't seem to find it. I am hoping you can help me. Here is what I need to do: I have a string variable called company_name which has names like "microsoft ltd." What I need to do ...
strdate replaces a list of string date variables with a list of Stata numeric date variables having the same names, the same positions in the data set order, and the same variable labels (if present). The conversion is carried out using the Stata date() function. strdate is used when ...
Re: st: How can I replace missing values with the variable's first nonmissing value? From: Nick Cox <njcoxstata@gmail.com> Prev by Date: re: Re: st: Prop.score matching: assess significance t-value + slow kernel matching Next by Date: st: flexible parametric models in small datasets...
Variable Variables Version Versions View Walls WdAlertLevel WdAlignmentTabAlignment WdAlignmentTabRelative WdAnimation WdApplyQuickStyleSets WdArabicNumeral WdAraSpeller WdArrangeStyle WdAutoFitBehavior WdAutoMacros WdAutoVersions WdBaselineAlignment WdBookmarkSortBy WdBorderDistanceFrom WdBorderType WdB...
In questo articolo Syntax Parameters Occurs after a shape-replacement operation. Syntax expression.AfterReplaceShapes(sel) expressionA variable that represents aPageobject. Parameters NameRequired/OptionalData typeDescription selRequired[IVSELECTION]ASelectionobject that represents the replacement shape or shapes...
BOOT variable =flash:packages.conf; Manual Boot = no Enable Break = yes Boot Mode = DEVICE iPXE Timeout = 0 Nota:Se lo switch è in modalità di avvio"Install",verificareche sia abilitato l'autoaggiornamento del software. In caso contrario, att...
. . end where 'todo' 'b' 'lnfj' always contains 0 (may be ignored) full parameter row vector b=(b1,b2,...,bE ) variable to be filled in with the values of the log-likelihood ln j Global macros for use by all evaluators $ML y1 $ML y2 ... $ML samp $ML w name of first...
FromPhil Clayton <philclayton@internode.on.net> Tostatalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu SubjectRe: st: Is there a way to replace a variable with a missing value without knowing if it is numeric or string? DateFri, 26 Jul 2013 18:14:59 +1000...
The original variable label will be stored as a variable characteristic. If a SAS data label is too long, it will be truncated to 80 characters, and the original label will be stored as a data characteristic. 4 import sas — Import SAS files Example 1: Importing a SAS file into Stata ...