Title How can I remove rows or columns from a table generated with collect, table, or dtable? Author Gabriela Ortiz, StataCorp When creating tables of results, you may find that you want to remove certain rows or columns. To do so, you need to know how to refer to the results that ...
MCAR occurs when the probability of missing data on a variable is unrelated to the values of that variable or any other variables in the datasets. In other words, the columns with missing data do not have an interdependency. The missing data is completely random and does not introduce bias. ...
Why reprex? Getting unstuck is hard. Your first step here is usually to create a reprex, or reproducible example. The goal of a reprex is to package your code, and information about your problem so that others can run it…
Rows 10, 11 and 12 are missing. To fill the sequence in column B skipping hidden rows: Method 1 – Using the AGGREGATE Function to Fill Sequence Numbers Skipping Hidden Rows in Excel STEPS: Select B5 Enter the following formula: =(AGGREGATE(2,7,$B$4:B4))+1 Formula Breakdown 2 and...
TitleHow to add factor-variable support to a command AuthorTheresa Boswell, StataCorp Question: Why is my command not working with factor-variable syntax and/or collinear variables in Stata 11? Answer: As of Stata 11, variables are no longer dropped because of collinearity. Instead, these varia...
We use STATA version 16 software, declare the data as panel and run the test in both level and first difference. For example, we test the panel unit root of mortality as: xtunitroot breitung lnTOT_MOR and xtunitroot breitung d.lnTOT_MOR. Other options like trend, lags, demean, kernel, ...
Five hundred seven total responses were collected, and 423 responses were used for this analysis after the anonymous data were cleaned to remove incomplete responses and incorrect responses. For example, IP addresses sometimes indicated the survey was taken outside of the United States. Survey ...
# you and i agreed to earlier in the script # oh, also, remove all map crap eg.map <- eg.map + xlab( "" ) + ylab( "" ) + scale_x_continuous( limits = bb[ 1 , ] , breaks = NULL , oob = squish ) + scale_y_continuous( limits = bb[ 2 , ] , breaks = NU...
the pattern of missing > values from the source variable(s) [...] > > Now, I wonder if -assert-s in ado code is a desirable practice, [...] At StataCorp, we rarely use -assert-s in ado code, although during the development process, we do use them, and we later remove them....
Are Low R-squared Values Always a Problem? No! Regression models with low R-squared values can be perfectly good models for several reasons. Some fields of study have an inherently greater amount of unexplainable variation. In these areas, your R2values are bound to be lower. For example, ...