There are four simple steps for how togive and receive feedbackyou need to excel at work. You might call it the solution to your feedback wipeouts. We call it the Radical Candor Order of Operations. This proven feedback framework is designed tohelp you give, get, gauge, and encourage ...
The big and small signals of ‘keep doing that – it’s great work’ are a necessary part of positive feedback cultures. You must be able to celebrate successes and cheer each other on when you’ve climbed a mountain (or at times even a molehill). Use positive employee feedback to bui...
Auto-captioning is a product of machine learning and is prone to mistakes. Udemy decided to ask the users directly while they were active on their course to understand how this feature performed. With Qualaroo’s surveys, they asked for the users’ feedback and were able to fix what needed ...
Before giving feedback to someone, put yourself in their shoes. Are they in a good place to receive feedback? Are you in the right mindset to give it? Giving feedback when emotions are running high – i.e., directly after a heated meeting or disagreement – is not the best time. Str...
In this post, we’ll explore how to give and receive feedback at work in the best ways possible, along with some of the psychology behind handling critical feedback (in both directions). I’ll also share with you some of the methods in which we offer and receive feedback at Buffer to...
While your team members have to be the ones to come up with the feedback, there are many things you can do to make them more comfortable and effective at giving it. Here's 6 approaches you can start using today with your team.
Positive employee feedback examples include: “One of the key things I really appreciated recently was when you went the extra mile for me on our joint project. Thank you.” “It was a great idea to update the process in that way, because it will save us a week of work each month.”...
Combating burnout, isolation, and anxiety in the remote workplace Communicating effectively and responsibly through text Considerations for in-person interactions in a remote company Considerations for transitioning a company to remote Considerations for working while traveling GitLab All-Remote Course...
Performance Conversations: How to Deliver Feedback EffectivelyPhD PhDWally Hauck
A multiple-choice format may work best for more in-depth feedback on specific aspects of your business, such as how often customers visit your website each week or the quality of customer service they receive. You may also want to include a comment box at the end of the survey where cus...