Beautyberry isn't affected by pests or diseases. However, winter hardiness is a problem with the shrub, so gardeners in chilly areas should plant it in a sheltered location andmulch it wellin the fall. How to Propagate Beautyberry Beautyberry shrub reseeds itself, so a walk in the garden in...
You can propagate a potato bush, which actually is a small tree, to multiply the beauty in yourflower gardenby taking cuttings. The potato bush (Lycianthes rantonnetii), also known as Paraguay nightshade or blue lycianthes, is a tender perennial in the same plant family (Solanaceae...
How to Propagate Allamanda Schottii From Cuttings How to Start a Confederate Rose Bush From a Cutting How to Propagate Rosa Rugosa The Allamanda schottii, also called Bush Allamanda, is a compact broadleaf evergreen shrub that is hardy to plant in USDA growing zones 10 and 11. The plant is...
To propagate cotoneaster, take stem cuttings in the summer. Choose side shoots and cut beneath the leaf node. Strip the lower leaves off the stem and plant in a gripping plant medium. Cover the stem with a clear plastic bag or dome. Site it in a bright location but out of direct sunlig...
Commonly known as the butterfly bush, Buddleia davidii is a hardy, summer flowering shrub which is very easy to grow. All it needs is a sunny, open position and to be pruned hard in early spring. The plump nectar-rich flower spikes of this fast-growing deciduous shrub are very ...
The lovely snowball bush (viburnum) is an asset to any sunny landscape with its lush foliage and beautifully white, round blossoms. When you successfully tend a snowball bush, you may naturally desire to propagate new bushes to spread this beauty around your landscape. Take a cutting from a ...
In early summer, shoots from the base of the trunk can be used to propagate (not recommended for grafted varieties). Dig down at the base of the trunk and cut away the shoot, being sure to include some roots. Diseases and Pests:
Heel cuttings are most successful when taken in mid to late summer. Be sure to read our guide onhow to propagate bay laurel from cuttingsand follow the instructions carefully to achieve the best results. Transplanting To transplant saplings, first loosen the planting site soil to a depth and ...
Snip a cutting, dip it in the rooting hormone, and then place it in the growth medium to begin propagation. Butterfly bush propagates easily fromsoftwood cuttings taken in May or June. Simply take a cutting with a few leaves on it, dip it in the rooting hormone, and stick the cutting...
If you can't find the right orchid type and have some extra cash lying around, you can always pay to propagate or clone a rare orchid species of your own. Orchid Cloning Orchids used to be fairly expensive and reserved for people with deep pocketbooks. Thanks to DNA and cloning technology...