Beautyberry isn't affected by pests or diseases. However, winter hardiness is a problem with the shrub, so gardeners in chilly areas should plant it in a sheltered location andmulch it wellin the fall. How to Propagate Beautyberry Beautyberry shrub reseeds itself, so a walk in the garden in...
American beautyberry has pretty white flowers but the eye-catching seasonal feature of this native shrub are the bright purple berries in the fall. The berries hold well into the winter, serving as food for birds. The shrub blooms on new growth so you don't need to worry about accidentally...
Snip a cutting, dip it in the rooting hormone, and then place it in the growth medium to begin propagation. Butterfly bush propagates easily fromsoftwood cuttings taken in May or June. Simply take a cutting with a few leaves on it, dip it in the rooting hormone, and stick the cutting...