In its dormant period, locate a thin but sturdy cane on the elderberry bush (roughly as thick as your little finger), and make an 8-10-inch cutting using sterile pruning shears. Make a slanted cut if you can (at a 45° angle) so the cutting can draw up more moisture. 2. Fill 8...
Take cuttings at almost any time, except when therosemary plantis blooming. Start with a healthy plant that doesn't have any insect pests. Choose a semi-hardwood branch that is semi-ripe, with soft new growth at the tip but beginning to harden a few inches down the stem. Clean the blad...
To prune laurel to encourage growth, we'd recommendtrimming the branches and cutting them back several times a year(depending on how fast it grows) by up to a quarter. This makes the bush come back bushier and thicker than before more rapidly. How to Propagate 'Otto Luyken' Cherry/English...
You can propagate a potato bush, which actually is a small tree, to multiply the beauty in yourflower gardenby taking cuttings. The potato bush (Lycianthes rantonnetii), also known as Paraguay nightshade or blue lycianthes, is a tender perennial in the same plant family (Solanaceae...
Step-by-step guide for how to propagate lavender using cuttings from existing plants. This economical method helps you create dozens of plants for free! It’s especially useful for getting enough plants for lavender hedges or to start a small lavender farm. You begin by taking cuttings from a...
Fertilize the plant using a 19-6-12 slow release fertilizer according to label directions every three months. Place the plants outdoors during the late spring and early summer. Tip Stem cuttings easily propagate yucca. Cut the stems on an angle and insert in wet growing medium....
The Allamanda schottii, also called Bush Allamanda, is a compact broadleaf evergreen shrub that is hardy to plant in USDA growing zones 10 and 11. The plant is native to South America and reaches a height and spread of three feet. Allamanda schottii prod
How to propagate a chamomile lawn How to collect and store chamomile flowers for tea FAQ about growing a chamomile lawn What is chamomile? Most of us have had chamomile tea at least once in our lives. If you’ve drunk this sweet tea but don’t know much about the plant itself, chamomil...
How to grow BuddleiaCommonly known as the butterfly bush, Buddleia davidii is a hardy, summer flowering shrub which is very easy to grow. All it needs is a sunny, open position and to be pruned hard in early spring. The plump nectar-rich flower spikes of this fast-growing deciduous ...
Due to its resilience, creeping Jenny is easy to propagate. The plant naturally spreads by both seeds and rhizomes and can be rooted in water easily. The easiest way to establish new plants is todig up a portion of an established patch, separate it, and plant it in new soil. ...