Today, Christians need to memorize and meditate scriptures more than ever before. With our high tech society, many Christians have become downright lazy in memorizing scripture. HERE’S THE PROBLEM:Most books on memorization techniques are dull and boring... No wonder why memorizing scripture i...
Holy scripture relates that God is a “still, small, voice” – could this be perhaps, that gross human, mortal thought tends to elevate self interest and overwhelm the word of wisdom? We think “yes.” Be still and know that I am God does not mean that the finite is infinite, but ...
Understand why you need to read the book (or if you actually need to!) Quickly determine how much of the book you really need to read Make a dedicated Memory Palace system to memorize the parts you really need Learn how to take notes from a textbook onto index cards or flashcards, and...
For example, if they are memorizing scripture, they might do something like this for Proverbs 18:13, “To answer before listening, that is folly and shame.” They might use a mnemonic image of a tutu answering a bee-shaped telephone to get started. That’s okay, but as a mnemonic, it...
And in case you wanted to see what happy looks like, here ya go: Have you had your kids memorize large passages of Scripture? What do you think would help them most? You May Also Like:
Maybe the places or the times in history that fascinates you and start there. And then that will prompt you to your interest, to branch out from there and going directions that you would have never have foreseen otherwise (you could read the Bible and learn fun ways to memorize scripture!
Think About This: Trust the Good Shepherd and live boldly, or trust yourself and live in fear. Memorize This Truth: Psalm 23:4 quoted in the first line of this lesson. Ask This Question: Will you let the Good Shepherd guide you through the dark shadows of your fears?
Because that silence means your group members are thinking. It means they are processing the question that was asked, comparing it to their understanding of the Scripture passage, integrating it with their own experiences, and deciding whether the result is something they want to share with the ...
to remember the Scripture she needed for support, so she wrote out the verses on sticky notes and posted them all over the house to keep his Word alive throughout her day. Get creative and run to him with all of your heart. As you run, be careful to do these three thin...
Become a constitutional expert on money and you can contribute to the right side of the debate. Quote: “Congress shall have the power to coin money and regulate the value thereof,” says the Constitution. Memorize this one little sentence and you’ll be the expert. Don’t be tricked by ...