Today, Christians need to memorize and meditate scriptures more than ever before. With our high tech society, many Christians have become downright lazy in memorizing scripture. HERE’S THE PROBLEM:Most books on memorization techniques are dull and boring... No wonder why memorizing scripture i...
So even if you can’t get your metaphorical elephant to stop running off, still take a moment to sit and breathe. Take the time to chillax before you start memorizing.This approach allows you to memorize with the right attitude: with inner stillness. You approach every step gently, without...
As a result of both my scholarly and online accomplishments, I’ve helped thousands of my students memorize information to pass certification tests. I’ve also helped people accomplish all kinds of goals related to language learning and personal projects like memorizing scripture or better understandin...
Find someone that you trust. Ask them if they would be willing to keep you accountable to study and memorize your Bible. Pick a day they will check in with you each week and see if you’ve completed your goals. It’s even more fun if your accountability partner is memorizing v...
We are to work at renewing our minds (v. 23)—by spending time in His Word, reading good theologically sound books, memorizing Scripture, and meditating on it—thinking about how it is to be lived out in our lives personally. We are to put on new righteous lifestyles (v. 24). ...
Great power can come from memorizing scriptures. To memorize a scripture is to forge a new friendship. It is like discovering a new individual who can help in time of need, give inspiration and comfort, and be a source of motivation for needed change — Richard G. Scott 84 Feminism - ...
Our kids can’t get enough of the songs and love to sing along with the hand motions too! It’s a great way to energize them for the day and set their mind on God’s Word.It’s an amazing tool to hide God’s word in their hearts. I find myself memorizing Scripture too!
2. I finally finished the Bible in its entirety in 2022, but not in the year as I had wanted. It was a check off list that I had started two years ago. That being said, I want to devote more time to my quiet time, evangelism, Biblical history, memorization of Scripture and complet...
Holy scripture relates that God is a “still, small, voice” – could this be perhaps, that gross human, mortal thought tends to elevate self interest and overwhelm the word of wisdom? We think “yes.” Be still and know that I am God does not mean that the finite is infinite, but ...
During the fast, it’s important that we always find time to read our Bible, meditate on the Word, pray, and it’s also a good time to memorize scripture. Many Christians don’tmemorize scriptureyou know, but memorizing scripture is very powerful. ...