You probably know fellow students, colleagues, or family members who effortlessly remember historical facts, names, birthdates, or phone numbers. You’re amazed at their ability to recall details of previous conversations, recite scripture, or learn a new language....
Want to memorize Scripture or another text? Set a weekly goal using the This Week’s Focus box or the Space of Infinite Possibility. Trying to break out of some cognitive distortions and reframe your thinking? Sign on for the Gratitude Challenge any time of year. Your Passion Planner gives ...
3. Your love.When others mistreat you, don’t stoop to their level. Turn the other cheek. Be loving even when other people are unkind (Matthew 5:38-40). 4. Your faith.Plug into your local church. Memorize Scripture. Spend time in prayer. Listen to Christian music. Make your faith a...
More than a decade ago, Nancy Taylor made a commitment to memorize one verse of scripture a week for 52 weeks, with the goal of quoting all 52 verses at the conclusion of that year. Never could she have conceived what God had in store for her through this simple commitment to hide His...
6. Memorize Scripture with your kids. My daughter goes to a private school where she has a weekly Bible memory verse. This has given me an opportunity to grow in my own Scripture memory. We often make up motions to coincide with the words to the passages. I am amazed at her...
This workbook gives you131 days of handwriting practice, enough for a whole school year. Choose from eithermanuscriptorcursiveeditions. This is a great way to reinforce Scripture memory, walking your children through Exodus 20:1-21. AboutLuke Gilkerson ...
23. Scripture memory challenge. Provide a list of verses for the kids to learn at home, then have them recite for the congregation when services resume. 24. Coordinate “group text” where kids message can video one another (through parents phones in a group text). Use some simple questions...
Point Them to Scripture: Let the Word of God permeate, influence, and inform every facet of family life. Read the Word of God to your children. Teach it to them diligently. Memorize it as a family. This is something that comes especially easy to children, so take advantage of that fact...
And right now, I’m resisting the temptation to give spoilers as to why he thinks we should have aZealfor God. But there is a lot of good Gospel and God’s Grace in this book. And Scripture in every chapter. For each of these traits, the author ends the chapter with a “Stepping...
said to explain the floods in that valley that kept the Māori from building their sacred areas there. Like Augustine and Aquinas, who had both a literal and metaphorical interpretation of Scripture, this appears to apply to MM as well: if MM advocates c...