If you have finished your project but cannot publish it through the Editor, you can publish your project manually atplay.unity.com: Build your project to WebGL - you can find the steps for this in the Learn Tutorial,How to...
MakeEverythingInCloneDirs.bat start BuildAndUploadWebGLInClonedDir.bat start BuildAndUploadLinux64InClonedDir.bat So, including the Unity editor you have open, when this is run you’ll have THREE instances of Unity running on the same computer at once. It all works fine! Continuous integration...
Crafting games for WebGL in Unity may appear deceptively simple at first glance. While it's widely known that you can toggle the build settings to WebGL and hit the build button, the journey is often far more intricate than expected. ...
Open the game you want to make in the game library, then import it into Unity. In Unity, create a new project and set the platform to mobile if you want to make a mobile version of your game. The default is PC but you need to change it in order for your game to run on mobile...
Create high res iconset. Make a folder named UnityPlayer.iconset (or whatever your info.plist is setup to show) with the following image names inside. Make sure the folder has the.iconsetextension. icon_16x16.png icon_16x16@2x.png ...
... manually edit that file and set scriptingBackend.Standalone to 0. This is what I needed: upstream repo had 1 and fork didn't have project settings saved (thanks Unity) so didn't push. Now, with that working, WebGL build shows this and it works: So that begs the question, why...
Because it seems that unity assume that we upload it to the root of the site. In my case, I deploy the webgl build to the “root/gametest” folder. after the “RewriteBase” line, everything works like a charm! In case anyone has the same problem, here is my .htaccess ...
I won’t give too much attention to the design, because I’d like to show how it works using some simple code. This game can be converted in an Android, iOS or WebGL game. First, make sure you have the latest version of Unity. I’m using version 5.3. Here is the Assets folder...
Once you have chosen these settings, Unity can build and package your application, which you can then distribute. How to Change the Build Settings of a Unity Project Assuming that you already have a game ready to publish, you can start making changes to theBuild Settings. If you do not ha...
If you find yourself confused, trying to juggle several different Unity versions across your gaming projects, give Unity Hub a go.