3 秒。Andthemoreyoudoit, thebetteryougetatit.你思考得越多,就会说得越好。Butthinkaboutthebeginning - whatyouwanttosay: maybeyourmainargumentorthepoint, themainpointofwhatyou'retryingtosay.但是想想开头:也许是你的主要论点或者观点,你想说的要点。Andthenmaybeawaytoconcludeortosupportyourmainpoint....
三、How to make your writing better Strategy 1: Beautiful Handwriting 字母的“高矮〞、“胖瘦〞、间距以及倾斜的角度要一致,整齐划一,且字母要圆润不要瘦小,以利 于把卷子扫描到电脑屏幕上后更容易被识别。标准使用标点符号,禁止各种奇异标记如删除符号和任 何墨疤。 Strategy 2: Phrases First Eg. ...
However, even better would be to rethink whether we need this second sentence at all. The author wants to say that he used Hemingway Editor to identify complex sentences so that he could improve them. I don’t think we need to specify that the way he did this was by making them “shor...
Maybeyoumightevencomeupwithafewsentences, afewwrittensentences, youmightevensearchitonYouglishoronGoogle, butyouwon'tpracticeitspronunciation.也许你甚至会想出一些句子,一些书面句子,你甚至会在 Youglish 或 Google 上搜索它,但你不会练习它的发音。Andthenwhathappenswhenyou'reuncertainonhowtopronouncetheword,...
10Simple Sentences For Kids To Act Out Acting out simple sentences proves to be an engaging and interactive method to enhance language development in children. By physically embodying the words and actions, kids can better comprehend and retain sentence structures while enjoying themselves and expressi...
So here are five things you can do to fix the translating habit. 你可以做五件事来改变翻译习惯。 The first one is to learn and practise chunks or phrases, not just individual words. 首先是学习和练习词组或短语,而不仅仅是单个单词。 When you learn individual words, you are more likely to ...
Frankly,he'd like to listen to music. Mary—better known as Polly—proved an ideal Victorian wife, practical, hardworking, and selfless. 简单句的五种基本句型(Five Kinds of Simple Sentences) 主语 Subject (S) 谓语部分Predicate 谓语动词 Verb (V) 表语 Predicative (P) 宾语 Object (O) 宾语补...
英语写作教学设计 作者信息:English writing Aims of teaching and learning: 1).Knowledge aim: Help the students know about what better sentences are by explaining and showing sample sentences; 2).Ability aim: Help the students try to learn how to write better sentences by showing and practicing wr...
So, please stop saying "What we are going to do is..." "What I'm going to ask you to do is...", try to use imperative sentences and make them concise and clear. Not checking understanding of instructions 想当然是非常可怕的事情。“我已经说得很清楚了呀!为啥学生不知道?这届学生有问题...
Compound sentences give your writing a faster pace and unite related ideas, but they have a few more rules than standard sentences. In this quick guide, we explain how to use them properly to give your writing an edge. Here’s a tip:Want to make sure yourwritingshines? Grammarly cancheck...