However, even better would be to rethink whether we need this second sentence at all. The author wants to say that he used Hemingway Editor to identify complex sentences so that he could improve them. I don’t think we need to specify that the way he did this was by making them “shor...
Howtowriteconclusion Howtopolishthelanguage TopicSentence 1.主题句的基本要求主题句必须由一个完整的句子构成,必须中肯扼要;必须把题目限定在该段落中恰如其分的范围内,即不是笼统的概括又不能过于具体。用词应当严谨精练,意思清楚。2.主题句的位置3.写主题句应注意的问题 1)主题句应该意义清楚一个段落只有一...
If you want to learn how to write good, sentence structure and word placement is everything. If you have a question to ask, don’t put it in the middle of a paragraph, because it could get skipped over. Similarly, if you have an important piece of information to share, make it into...
How to Write Cause and Effect Essays How to Write a Reading Response Essay With Sample Papers Easy Words to Use as Sentence Starters to Write Better Essays 100 Expository Essay Topic Ideas, Writing Tips, and Sample Essays
1 Don’t write and edit at the same time When you sit down to write the first chapter of your soon-to-be bestselling novel, don’t let yourself get stuck on every sentence. If you’re deleting more than you’re keeping, you’ll never get past the first page. Plus, you’re probab...
A builder will tell you that solid, quality materials make a better building. As writers, we need quality materials for good writing. If you want to be a better writer, the first step is to learn how to start and write an excellent sentence. A sentence has four basic parts: View ...
HowtoWriteaGoodTopicSentence Youcannotwritethetopicsentenceuntilyouknowwhatcomesnext.Definition ❖Atopicsentenceisthesentencetotellthereaderwhattheparagraphismainlyabout.Note:Atopicsentenceisforaparagraph,likeathesisstatementisforanessay.PartsofaTS ❖Twocomponentsinatopicsentence 1.Topic:tellsthereaderwhatthis...
If you want to write better essays, you will need to understand the criteria teachers use to score them. 1 Develop your thesis A thesis is the essence of your paper—the claim you are making, the point you are trying to prove. All the other paragraphs in your essay will revolve around...
Example sentence #1: When I started my own business, it has given me a whole new perspective to see the bigger picture when it comes to finding a work / life balance. Meaningful words in bold: When Istartedmy ownbusiness, it has given me a wholenew perspectiveto see thebigger picturewhe...
HowtoWriteaGoodTopicSentence Youcannotwritethetopicsentenceuntilyouknowwhatcomesnext.Definition ❖Atopicsentenceisthesentencetotellthereaderwhattheparagraphismainlyabout.Note:Atopicsentenceisforaparagraph,likeathesisstatementisforanessay.PartsofaTS ❖Twocomponentsinatopicsentence 1.Topic:tellsthereaderwhatthis...